Friday, May 22, 2009

Crap Sex ...

In our last post we discussed the importance of intimacy; how at the beginning of our existence God setup the ideal committed relationship between a man and a woman to be able to share everything with each other.  In this union of man and woman was the blessing and presence of God.  So how did the ultimate act of intimacy somehow become ‘dirty’, forbidden, and casual?  Time to explore Satan’s counterfeit to incredible sex, crap sex.

The first step in understanding our current conundrum is to discern the real target of evil as it relates to sex.  You see evil is not out to destroy our ability to have great sex directly, evil is out to destroy our ability to ever be able to have true intimacy.  In order to cause as much damage to our lives, and misery to our existence as possible, the first thing evil MUST eliminate is any kind of real support system we might rely on.  If we find ourselves alone, we become easy prey.  If there is no-one in your life who you can rely upon, to help you, because they love you, and care about you – then you have no role-model to assume God would be any different, chances are less you would recognize He is ALWAYS here to help you, and you would simply try to fight and find the answers you need all by yourself.  Again, easy pickings.  So be aware, that evil has always wanted to eliminate intimacy from our thinking and our reality.  Everything evil has done to ‘market’ its counterfeit program for sexual happiness has taken into account the maximum destruction of intimacy in our lives.

Crap sex, begins by attempting to remove any morality, or intimacy, from all sexual expression.  The goal here is to transform sexual expression from an act centered on giving and pleasing a committed partner, into a solitary goal of physical ejaculation (orgasm).  Turn an act of ultimate intimacy, into a biological issue.  The purported reason this idea gains any traction at all with us, is that we so want to eliminate any guilt from having sex.  If sex is reduced down to nothing more than a biological act, with no other real significance, personal orgasm the only real goal – then doesn’t anything go? 

This line of thinking originates from an alternative view of our origin, namely evolution.  People ascribe the lack of morality, the absence of God, and the natural biological expression of sexual joy – as nothing more than ‘science’s’ way of insuring the propagation of the species.  Yet the same people squirm at the idea of people having sex with their children, or their parents, or their livestock, or their pets – as being morally unacceptable.  Seems a bit of a paradox to me.  If anything goes with respect to sex, then there should be no societal judgment about how you achieve your orgasm, or for that matter where.  You eat in public after all, which is another natural biological function without morality, why would we need to shelter others from our sexual expressions.  Anytime, anyplace, under any conditions?  Haven’t heard too many atheists or scientists go this far yet, even though truly absent morality, this is the logical conclusion to the premise.  Under this idea, age and judgment should not enter into the sexual equation, once old enough to ejaculate, have at it.  And so intimacy is completely abandoned in this thinking, and empty biological addiction is formed.

The basis of this kind of a marketing campaign has a common thread – move the attention of the victim to self gratification, then justify whatever action they take as ‘natural’.  By focusing only on the debate of whether sexual expression is ‘nothing more’ than simply biology, we gloss over the subtle premise that has crept into our thinking.  Sexual gratification is all about me.  It is MUCH easier then to see the opposite sex, as mere ‘objects’ to help me achieve orgasm.  We reduce other people, to other things we can use for our gratification.  The interest of self here overwhelms even the concept of intimacy, and people become conquests.  And ‘evil’ feeds this inclination of ours at every turn.  We are surrounded by advertising to move products through association with sex.  The term “sex sells” is true in our world.  It works.  It is why we see so much of it around us.  It also propagates the idea that people are objects we can use for our own enjoyment.  This centering or focusing on self as a way to gain happiness, is in fact the origin of ALL evil.  This is how Lucifer was transformed into Satan.  And we already know how the story of evil ends.  What’s more we know that evil inflicts as much pain as possible along the way, so if this is what evil promotes – that should ring enough warning bells for us to begin to examine if we have bought in to any of these lies.

If one engages in ‘casual’ sex, they are transformed over time, into ‘casual’ people – people without depth or meaning to their existence.  Intimacy suffers at every heart break.  Attempting to express an ultimate act of intimacy with someone who is not committed to a relationship with you is truly impossible.  The fear of rejection, and abandonment will at some point win out.  Either you will never truly give 100% of yourself to them, due to your own fears.  Or you will never experience what it is like when someone else gives 100% of themselves to you.  If you miss either element, you get stuck having crap sex.  It may feel good physically, but it will cripple your ability to have intimacy over time, and leave you incapable of experiencing what God had in mind for you to have (at least without major help from Him to repair your emotional wounds).

How else has sex become dirty?  One might call it the subtle art of addiction and deprivation.  Empty sex, or sexual expression without meaning is at first very physically appealing, even in a highly traditional point of view.  But over time, and without any intimacy, a ‘normal’ sexual experience becomes less exciting.  Perhaps a change of partner is required to get the excitement back.  This will work for a while.  But then even that is not enough to maintain the stimulation.  Sexual experimentation is often engaged in, at this point.  All the various fetishes, that are supposed to increase stimulation are explored: lightly at first, but eventually the more ‘depraved’ the act, or scenario, the more the stimulation.  Over time, this can even lead to dangerous sexual behavior like choking off oxygen during sex, having unprotected high-risk sex for ‘fun’, etc..  The underlying problem here is one we have touched on before.  It starts with a focus on self, and self gratification.  But in addition, it carries the added burden of being able to adjust our brain chemistry once again, and cause us to literally become sexual addicts.  The chemical addiction of sex is every bit as real as cocaine, nicotine, or any other mind-altering drug.  It’s affects on the brain can be measured, and treatment for addiction must be sought in order to ‘heal’ from it.

People sometimes struggle with the morality of masturbation.  It would appear on the upside, that masturbation does not hurt anyone else, it is the safest of all sexual expression from disease or unwanted pregnancy, and it is better than destroying intimacy by having other casual, or random sexual encounters.  In short the better of two evils maybe.  However take a closer look at what occurs during typical masturbation.  The overall goal again is centered on self, not on others – so it begins with a self-centered premise, never a good sign.  Then most people either fantasize, or directly look at stimulating materials (i.e. porn) during masturbation to achieve or increase arousal.  Both these fantasies, and this material, propagate the idea that people are merely things we can use for our own enjoyment (the destruction of intimacy occurs in our minds, even if not in our bodies).  And lastly, the chemical responses in our brains are every bit as likely to fall into a pattern of addictive behavior through this method of fantasy and self-stimulation as they are through actual experiences.  Even the patterns of depravity can be seen in the kind of visual stimulation it requires to achieve results over time.  And for people who have entered a committed relationship with someone, to indulge this type of self-gratification, robs their partners on a physical and emotional basis.  It further robs the victim, by reducing his inclination to give, and experience real joy, as opposed to centering only on his own needs.

So within a committed relationship that is sanctioned by God is there anything related to sexual expression that is ‘off limits’ or ‘evil’?  Can even married people have crap sex?  God gave you many abilities of your body, a full set of senses (sight, sound, smell, taste), an imagination to be creative, an innate desire for sexual expression, and an unparalleled joy from giving to others.  There may be some physical activities, or positions, that are not possible for some couples simply because the body mechanics will not allow for it.  There are risks of infection if cleanliness concepts are not observed.  But I see no morality issues related to sexual expression when confined to an ultimate act of intimacy between 2 committed people (a husband and wife).  I personally do not believe that indulging in anal sex of any kind is something God had in mind for us to explore.  This is purely a personal belief, and if someone else had a different view, I would be the last person to judge it – it just stems from a logical viewpoint.  That particular orifice is one of the dirtiest, smelliest, places on a human body, and therefore to think of it in sexually attractive terms seems a bit odd – particularly when compared with the perfection located nearby J

The most important point to make here is simply this, God did not ever make sex to be a ‘dirty’ thing.  God wants you to be completely sexually fulfilled.  This is why He outlined the perfect scenario to achieve sexual fulfillment even before evil entered our world.  The farther we stray from this original design, the more miserable the conditions we find ourselves in.  In our next post, we will discuss, another important creation of His – time off.  So stay tuned …

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