Friday, June 29, 2007

No Tricks Like the Old Tricks ...

Pop quiz question for you … what is the most effective way to focus the human mind away from things that would ennoble it, alter brain chemistry until it is powerless to resist, and institute a cycle of degradation that can be more overwhelming than a black hole?  Drugs or chemical dependencies like Alcohol maybe?  Nope.  I am talking about something more insidious, more subtle, and much more dangerous.  I am talking about something that is a literal part of our make-up but can be altered beyond all comprehension over time.  And it is older than dirt.  Well perhaps just a bit younger than dirt …

Man was created with many needs.  The need to love and be loved.  The need to serve.  The need for food, shelter, and survival essentials.  And yes, man (the species both men and women) were created with a need to procreate.  This was originally intended to be expressed in the most intimate of relationships, namely a marriage of two souls, united with their creator in matrimony.  But as the disease of sin entered our very consciousness, we became unable to maintain relationships in any more a perfect manner than we maintain our own characters in perfection.  The ideals of marriage and intimacy therefore have no standard to live up to, no examples with which to focus our goals and ambitions.  In short, the imperfection of people, infects the marital relationship itself, and all the shortcomings of character are revealed in the mirror of the relationship we hold most dear.

Love survives.  Faithfulness survives but remains on life support.  Look around.  Ever notice the advertising motto of “sex sells”.  You would have to be blind, death, and locked in the wilderness not to.  Why; because the motto is a truism.  “Sex” in fact does sell.  The idea of sex causes men and women to drop loads of money on crap they do not need, and will not ever help them have sex, by the boat load.  How many advertising slogans do you see calling for self sacrifice and temperate behavior when making a purchase?  That does not work.  Sex does.

And it is not as simple as drugs, or alcohol.  Our bodies were not created with the need to drink or consume chemicals to alter our consciousness – we develop those needs through constant exposure.  But we were created with the need for sexual fulfillment.  We were in fact designed as a species to pair men and women physically for this purpose.  Our bodies are designed for it, our minds have built in chemical stimulus for it, and the Bible lays out fairly clear instructions on the ideals for our souls to experience a higher form of closeness to God through it.  To deny our created tendency for sexual fulfillment is to deny the God who created us.  But our Creator had in mind that our sexual expression be perfect, not what we see today.

The world’s oldest profession (prostitution – or perhaps begging that may have predated it) is called that for a reason.  The first incidents of man altering what God had in mind for sexual perfection and finding a ‘different’ method of expression go back a long way.  The entire Old Testament is filled with stories of the Children of Israel ‘mixing’ with the neighbors until it got so bad, they were allowed to be overrun by a foreign nation.  The cycle of repentance and restoration, was generally followed by the cycle of sin and degradation, until the entire circle just kept repeating itself.  And I am not just talking about Israelites engaging in simple prostitution with their neighbors.  It never ended there.  There were in fact ritual orgies held at night under a moon goddess for fertility.  And you really cannot have fertility without human sacrifice.  Which eventually leads to sacrificing the male born children in the fires and preserving the females for future temple prostitutes (again age being no boundary).  About the time Israelites were tossing babies in the fires, God would send in an invading army.

Thinking about this cycle, like all things evil and insidious, it never starts with murdering children and innocents.  But it inevitably winds up there.  I’m sure when the Israelite men first considered getting a little ‘extra’ action away from ‘home’ it never even crossed their minds what it might eventually lead to.  It never does.  Evil seldom reveals its true nature or intentions right away.  That would scare you off.  You need to ease into the idea, taking one small step towards wrong-doing at a time, until you are “too far gone” to stop now.  Of course the idea is a lie on its face, but the premise found a home in our minds, and we embraced it both then and now.

And like usual our new and improved, socially responsible Christians in today’s day of enlightment, read these stories in the Bible and scoff at the weakness of ‘those’ idiots.  This as we get into the Mercedes we did not need, wearing the clothes and perfume we hope to use to attract others, and go home to watch sexually explicit and immoral shows on our widescreen high-def TV’s.  Yeah, those guys were the idiots …   No, today’s Christian is much more sophisticated than the old Children of Israelite males.  We can simply watch porn on our computers when no one is around.  Keep a special DVD in a hidden location.  Or perhaps find another willing partner somewhere in the world.

And what’s more, we no longer practice throwing babies in the fires for heathen gods; they tend to be abused right in our own homes, or worse churches.  We are in that sense different than our spiritual ancestors.  We have found a way to make our crimes worse.  Instead of participation with willing partners our own ages, we force unwilling underage participants into our immoral degraded world.  And what is more, the young are abused by people holding religious authority both priests and those in the laity forever perverting the image of a loving God. 

No you scream.  I would never engage in child pornography or support it in any manner.  Yet all too many Christians live the secret life of porn perusal where the models are all 18 years of age.  Do you think those girls turned 18 and decided randomly to pursue the life of a porn model?  Or perhaps they started much earlier in situations where control was never an option, and what you see online now is a reflection of how wide-spread this disease has taken hold of our world.  Like it or not there is no such thing as non-support where this industry survives.

Nationality, race, and religion seem to present no barrier to perversion.  While there are child molestation laws in every country in the world, there is also known abuse of those laws in every country of the world.  The US may be the worst offender, as all too many reported Christians participate in this crime.  And as usual it never starts out as abusing small kids, it starts much more ‘innocent’ than that.  But eventually regular old porn is no longer enough to achieve stimulation.  It requires something more unusual, something different.  This progression knows no end, and its direction is only downwards.

The cycle worked thousands of years ago, and it works now.  We stupidly fall victim to it now, just as then, just as always.  And treatment is much more complicated.  With drugs and alcohol, your goal can be to abstain.  But how do you abstain when you’re already married?  How do you abstain from the nature you were created with?  Not drinking is easier than not having sex.  The addictive changes in brain chemistry are almost identical between drug, alcohol, and sexual addiction, but treatment poses and entirely different problem.  The gravity of a black hole.  And the compromises we propose would have us end our fates as those who have gone before, in abject failure.  So what is the answer?

Like everything else it begins and ends with God.  It starts with learning to think differently about sex itself.  Restoration of the concept of intimacy in the life must become a goal before intimacy with sexual expression is possible.  Reliance on God to affect the changes you need in character, and allowing those changes to affect your very desires, wants, and perceived needs is a must.  Understanding there is no such thing as “too far gone”, accepting there is “hope” for everyone and anyone regardless of the your past whether as victim, perpetrator, or somewhere in the degenerate cycle.  Thinking differently.  Focusing differently.  Learning not to hunt, not to look for trouble, not to place yourself in situations where failure is all but assured.  The problem here extends beyond the normal bounds of addiction treatment and requires realigning broken processes into healed ones.  It is impossible for you.  But it is real for God.  God can restore what was broken beyond recognition.  God can heal, and really ONLY God can heal…

Friday, June 22, 2007

Dark Side of the Force ...

Yes the next installment of the Star Wars saga was released today albeit in animated format.  Critics will muse this may not be George Lucas’ best work, fans may see it regardless.  But I was wondering if perhaps in no small way, George has captured the imagination of believers and non-believers alike in his saga related to the all powerful Force.  The story (again only fiction) claims a sort of kinetic invisible living force binds all creatures together, working both in cooperation with and sometimes in control of our motions, thoughts and actions.  Those that deny any form of deity are merely entertained by this superstitious notion.  Those that believe in a creator God, are they entertained, or do they perhaps believe in some way this may even be true?

An older comedian Flip Wilson’s famous line was … “the Devil made me do it”.  Always used in satirical presentations and for humorous effect, his audience understood the message.  There are times when people take actions in the real world, that they blame on influence that comes from the supernatural world – both for positive and negative results.  Killers have sometimes claimed possession for their actions.  Healers sometimes say they “feel” the power moving through them.  There are documented cases of exorcisms that the Catholic church has done over the years, though skepticism by the mainstream masses remains high.  To admit there is a Devil, is to acknowledge there is a God.  Mediums have long claimed to have ‘spirits’ inhabit their physical bodies.  Is this what Lucas may be referring to in his fictional tales?  Could he be trying to define an outside-of-body force that somewhat controls our destiny?

On a very profound level even the plan of Salvation we have discussed in this blog seems to indicate you have no real control over your life.  You have but to choose your master – either evil or good – either Satan or Christ.  Once your choice is made, your destiny seems to be laid out in front of you.  Your biggest worry even then, merely changing your mind about who you choose to serve.  When you choose Christ, you seem to be yielding up control to Him.  In order to effect real change in your behavior He must have the ability to change how you think.  To impact your basic desires, likes and dislikes, becomes a prerequisite to meaningful change in your character.  When you yield your decisions, your thinking, and even your likes and dislikes to Christ, He makes real progress transforming your character.  The core of who you are is molded into His image.  This is part of the gift He offers you, and quite necessary if you are to escape the bondage of sin, and get past the addictions you suffer from.

When you do not choose Christ, you make a default decision to choose evil.  There is but one escape from evil, that is to choose the protection of Christ.  A non-choice then, is a toleration of the conditions you find yourself in – a denial that evil is in charge of your life – and therefore a tacit acceptance of evil as your current master.  Non believers do not accept this premise.  As always they believe there are no outside influences in life that you must choose between.  And frankly evil wishes for this myth to continue.  Were the true nature of evil to be put in the spotlight, no-one would consciously choose it.  The biggest myth put forward to the human race has always been one of self-reliance and self-destiny.  But the truth remains, as evil remains in the world – you have only to look around you and you can find it everywhere.  If man (un-influenced by any external evil force) were truly in control of his own thinking and choices, why would evil continue to remain in the world?

And once under the influence of evil, is it ever really possible to make right choices?  Knowing the truth and turning away from it, or perhaps denying the truth altogether – what basis is that for performing good actions, making good decisions, or ever serving others?  While there may not be an all powerful kinetic invisible force that controls our lives and destinies, the truth of the influence of evil is unmistakable. 

Look at it another way.  Would Ted Bundy, or Jeffrey Dalhmer ever have made the series of decisions and actions they made without any evil influence in the world?  It is easy to dismiss them as crazy but think about the depravity of what they did.  The level of pain they inflicted on others in a one-on-one setting; killing sometimes without guns but with sharp instruments; torture – this kind of sickness is beyond the scope of most ‘normal’ people.  To actually take another human life is traumatic enough, but to systemically or randomly continue this action is pure evil.  This is the sort of behavior that defines evil.  Do we truly believe these men were free of outside influence? 

One characteristic of evil is the nature of its insatiability.  It is never satisfied, always hungry.  While good dwells on emotions like contentment, fulfillment, meaning, and service – evil dwells on greed, hunger, excess, and a preoccupation with self.  Lest you believe only murder defines the influence of evil, look at Enron.  Greed in the cases of corporate fraud of recent years seems to have no limit as well.  No matter how many millions these executives had, no matter how many homes, or cars, or goods – the quest for more could not be stopped.  The lives they crushed along the way were mere collateral damage.  After all, it is war to make money, all is fair in war, right?

Lest you think an outside force could not control your physical being, you need only to read the stories of the demoniacs in the Bible.  They were ‘compelled’ to take actions no one could understand.  Unseen influences can interact with the real world.  So could George Lucas be on to something here, even if only by accident?  The biggest problem with his vision of the Force is its lack of character.  In his movies, the Force is painted as fairly benign, with good or evil capabilities.  He puts control in the hands of the human (or intelligent being), to decide which avenue of the Force to explore.  He does talk about the domination of one’s destiny, but seems to have the small choices waiver back and forth from good to evil (at least in the character of the main hero/villain).  Is this the story of us?

Do we treat the outside influences of the universe, beyond our sight, as something to be trifled with?  Do we make God or Satan mere playthings to explore when we have interest?  I hope not.  While I do not believe in a singular all powerful invisible Force, I do believe in 2 beings of powerful natures.  One being is my creator God, who sacrificed Himself to save me from the other unseen being, the father of all evil.  While I may be unable to defeat evil, my creator is more than capable.  I willingly choose to follow my God.  I gladly accept the gift He offers.  I rejoice in the fact that He saved me, from myself, from evil, from death itself.  In His plan for my salvation, I take great comfort.  While I may find some momentary entertainment value in watching a Star Wars saga movie, I am also cognizant of the constant attacks and ever looming presence of a truly Dark Force – and I am comforted that my God, has already defeated it for me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mystery of Iniquity ...

Ever heard one of those seemingly unanswerable questions like … how many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?  Or perhaps, could there ever be a question God could not answer?  Well, the answer to the first one might be “as many as want to”, but an answer to the second one is a bit more tricky.  For if God is ALL-knowing and infallible, then how could He be presented with a Mystery too great for Him to figure out?  Yet the Bible speaks about the Mystery of Iniquity even from God’s point of view.  Let’s take a closer look.
A purely logical look at God reveals that He must be made of, or embody if you will, every good thing.  If God were tainted by any evil in any form He would eventually self destruct, as this is the natural result/state of evil when allowed to run freely.  Therefore since God has existed from before our concepts of time and space, and will continue to exist beyond our understanding of either, He must only embody that which is good – no evil ingrediants.
This is not because He does not know evil when He sees it.  Nor is it because He is constricted from choosing an evil path – you could hardly constrain the author of freewill after all.  His lack of evil is due to both His knowledge of evil’s true nature, and His logical choice not to have anything to do with it.  The English comedian Eddy Izzard once did a routine set on an airline where a stewardess walking down the aisle would offer her customers ... “cake or death”.  Customers consistently chose cake.  God consistently chooses good over evil.
So then if God embodies everything that is good, then any departure, any deviation, from God would define evil.  This is merely extending our logical view of God to its natural opposite conclusion.  If God is everything Good, then outside of God is everything evil.  Makes sense.  So then to better understand evil all you need to do is more closely examine what we know of God.
God is love.  God is life.  God is happiness.  God serves others, constantly, no matter how they react to Him.  Just to name a few.  God defines self-sacrifice and service to others.  Then what must evil look like?  Evil is hate.  Evil is death.  Evil is misery and pain.  Evil serves only its own interests, constantly, no matter how it impacts on the lives of others.  Therefore Evil defines selfishness and the entire pursuit of pleasing one’s self.  The differences are stark, but even the more subtle ones tend to be profound.  Such as; good is always content, evil is always hungry.  Good can relax, Evil is always hunting.  Good recognizes and supports others, Evil cannot be bothered with others as it has no time for them.
So the first mystery becomes if you understood the true nature of evil, why on earth, or anywhere else for that matter, would you consciously choose evil over good?  The next mystery becomes an even greater one, knowing that evil embodies self inflicted pain, and having had personal experience with that pain, do we continue to choose to bring it on ourselves – doing the same self destructive thing – over and over and over again?  To me this is the definition of addiction.  Helpless to stop self destructive behavior due to an “inability” to act rationally.  But where does addiction come from?  I believe it is part of the nature of evil itself.
Compare evil to cancer for a minute; cancer spreads and destroys every good thing it comes into contact with.  Cancer is not content to remain still, not content to remain fixed on a certain part of the body, it seems to want to spread out and infect as many things as it can.  Evil is much the same way.  It is not content to minimize damages, it wants to spread them out so that not just the doer of evil is punished with pain.  So are his victims, those that care about both the victims and the perpetrator, and of course God who loves us all.  The ripples of the pain of evil extend quite a distance.
When Lucifer became Satan, he did not begin his career in evil by committing murder, adultery, or homosexuality.  His launch into evil was far more subtle than that.  He merely posed an unanswered question to that point in time … what would happen if I stopped serving others for a minute and served me for a while?  After all, how bad could it be?  The answer, as bad as killing the Creator of the Universe on a cross of torture by those He was trying to save.  It did not immediately look as bad as all that.  It was just a simple question.  But its answer should have been self-evident.  Remember if God embodies all that is good, any deviation is bound to define evil, and so it did.
But Satan having known the paradise of serving God, and the infinite fulfillment of Heaven, chose to forsake it all in pursuit of pleasing Himself.  An empty pursuit with no value in the end.  And so a mystery is born that I believe even God cannot fully answer – Why – Why would anyone ever do that?  What’s more, why would they do it again and again and again?  But this is the nature of sin.
One of my favorite texts in the Bible is Nahum 1:9 (one of the minor prophets, you know those small books right before Matthew).  It says that “affliction shall not rise a second time” meaning that in Heaven at the end of time and our world as we know it, there will be NO more sin ever again.  It points out that there will be a definitive ending to ALL evil.  It means we will never be slave to evil again.  But how?  It is not free-will that is extinguished in God’s kingdom.  Free-will has always and will always be a principle of Good upon which His kingdom is built. 
Therein is the point.  While we will maintain our ability to choose good or evil, we will no longer have ANY desire to ever have anything to do with evil ever again.  There will be no more Lucifer’s turning to Satan’s in our distant future.  No more fallen worlds.  No more fallen species to redeem.  We are it.  This is all.  The conflict will be over, both in the world between good and evil, as well as in our hearts and minds.  Having been made free from evil and our slavery to it, we will not ever wish to return to it.
I submit, if you are unwilling to part with something in your life that you know to be evil, it is perhaps because you have not seen the pain that accompanies the evil you are playing with.  But know this, evil is by design inextricably linked to pain, and whatever evil you are engaged in will naturally result in an abundance of pain in your life and the lives of everyone around you.  This is not intended to be a threat of any kind, instead it is intended to be a definition to be applied to everything in your life.  If it is not good, it will be a source of pain.  The timing of the delivery of pain, and the amount of pain it may bring may be different with each evil you entertain.  But the more you indulge evil, the more you give the cancer license to expand, until one day it dominates your every thought, every deed, every motive.
See evil clearly, and go to God.  Go to the source of both forgiveness, and reform.  Only God can change what it is you want, what it you do, and what you are bound to.  Give it up to Him, and let Him rule over it, and you will be made free from evil.  Having been made free, your choices to return will become less and less likely, as you are rooted deeper and deeper in His love…

Friday, June 8, 2007

Obey or Else ...

The core argument raised against the character of God since the inception of evil itself has been the positioning of the concept of obedience.  If to obey is required to live then does this not make God a dictator?  Demanding obedience on pain of death, even eternal death, has been a rod used to beat the downtrodden into submission.  But submission to who?  Does God require obedience and offer death for disobedience?  Does the accusation have merit?  It is not only our feeble minds that have been subjected to this argument, it has been told throughout the history of our planet far and wide through the universe.  All other intelligent creations from the angels on down, have had to resolve themselves with this issue.  So do we.

To begin to understand this properly, we need to remind ourselves of the composition of the character of God.  To be a bit simplistic, but also accurate, God is love.  God defines love.  He is an example of love.  He understands love in many forms from parent to child, from friend to friend, from intimate to intimate.  Everything we know about love is everything we should understand about who, or what God is.  God is life.  He is the spark that makes an inanimate object made of dust and water to ‘become’ a living soul.  Notice I did not say that man was already a living soul, when God breathed into him, man BECAME a living soul.  The idea that our souls have always existed and will always exist is not based in scripture.

But if God is both Love and Life, then where does obedience enter the equation?  Anything that is not comprised in the character of God that causes separation from God could be defined as ‘sin’.  In essence ‘sin’ is the opposite, or it stands in opposition to God, to everything we know about God, therefore to both love and life itself.  ‘Sin’ or evil as I commonly refer to it, is the embodiment of death and pain.  What does not lead to love, leads to pain.  What does not promote life, promotes death.  There really are no grey areas, no areas of compromise.  There is only love and life, or pain and death.  Everything we do, we say, we think about, is destined towards one or the other of these end results.  When we separate ourselves from love and life, we embark on the path of pain and death.  It is NOT a punishment, it is a simple reality. 

It is simply cause and effect.  It is like gravity.  Jump as high as you want in the air, but without assistance, you will return to the earth you jumped from.  Coming back to earth after jumping is NOT a punishment.  It is reality.  It is the nature consequence of gravity.  Gravity is not a concept from which one can negotiate through reason and alter the effects.  It is a natural law.  We do not question it.  We have built technology to overcome it, but we recognize that it is an immutable force on our lives.  The ‘laws’ of love are exactly the same.  When we stray from the path of love we find ourselves amidst things that have nothing to do with love.  This is NOT punishment, it is reality.  Existence offers no 3rd choice, no 3rd option.  There is love and life, and everything else, everything not of love or life – one or the other.

Once we understand there are really only 2 choices for how we exist, we begin to grasp the concept of the consequences of the choices we make.  When God asks us to obey Him, He is not threatening us with punishment, RATHER He is trying to help us avoid all the pain and death that comes as a natural consequence of turning away from love and life.  He is trying to warn us about the results from the seemingly innocuous choices that wind up leading to the addictions of death.  He is trying to spare us pain.  He is trying to bring us happiness.  He is trying to teach us what love is, why it is of value, why we should embrace it, and how.  Obedience to God is not a prison sentence.  It is shelter in a castle against a torrent of pain, aggression, and death.

How do you get through to a stiff-necked people?  How do you make your point to a defiant child determined to touch the stove after repeated warnings not to.  Sometimes you allow them to experience the results of the choices they are determined to make.  Just a few of the natural consequences of the evil choices we make are usually enough to ‘wake us up’.  The entire Old Testament in the Bible is a love letter from an unrequited God reaching out desperately to an unfaithful partner.  Despite gifts and blessings, in the face of shear ingratitude, enduring slander and lies, love still reaches out for us.  But we ignore it, and steadfastly choose our own demise.  So from time to time God removes his protective hand, and evil is given enough latitude to remind us what its true nature is really like.

Again this is not a punishment of God.  This is only Him allowing just a little of the fury we embrace to come our way.  Were God to completely remove His protecting hand from over us, we would be consumed in our evil in seconds.  Cause and effect.  Demons who have long since chosen their own destiny would be happy to destroy us completely and in so doing cause pain to our Father God, were He to allow it.  We rarely see the battlefield we are walking through.  We rarely understand the ferocity of evil that knows its time is drawing to a conclusion.  Desperation leads to even more fury.  And we act as if it does not even exist.

To call God a dictator because he naturally embodies the complete definition of love, is the same as railing against gravity for having the audacity to keep you grounded on this earth.  It serves no purpose, and is completely without meaning.  God is love.  The creator God who existed before time and memorial could be nothing else but love, or he would have naturally expired and existence would not exist.  There would eventually be nothing left under the government of Satan.  Even He would eventually kill himself when there was nothing left to consume.  It is the natural end-state of anything that is not comprised of love and life.

Obedience then is not about threats or punishments, or even cause and effect, so much as it is about teaching and guidance.  We are given rules, directives, advice, and edicts as a way of teaching us that some of our natural desires that are carnally based and routed in heredity of hundreds of years are not the ways of love or life.  We are given ‘commandments’ to teach us the definition of love.  Think of them as a how-to, or a book of love for idiots.  Morality is more than just the subjective measurement of one man over another, it is an objective standard which is defined through the practice of love by the author of love itself.

Amy Grant (and perhaps Brown Bannister if I recall), used to sing the song “I Have Decided”.  Part of the lyrics read … “being good is just a fable.  I just can’t cause I’m not able.  I’m gonna leave it with the Lord.”  I used to think this song was incorrect.  I judged that being good is not a fable, and we could choose to do it.  I was partially correct, but the song was more so.  We have the choice to Obey, in that we have the choice to allow God to control our lives and our will.  When we release control to God, He changes us.  ONLY in this way is obedience even possible.  Now think this through for just a minute.  Not only is Obedience not used by God as a threat; God knows HE is the ONLY one who can affect obedience in our lives.  We CANNOT obey on our own.  We can only choose to allow God control over us, and in so doing find ourselves in obedience.  This destroys the concept of a dictator.  What dictator did you ever hear of that would do the work FOR you, within you, and only hold you accountable to PERMIT Him to do so? 

“To Obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of Rams.”  What the prophet was conveying in this scripture could be applied in our vernacular as … to allow God control over our will, is to learn reform, to learn change. And to reform is better than to repent.  And to listen is better than to regret.  Seeking to align our characters with our God and to find His ways natural to us, is far better than to simply rely on repentance for continually embracing evil, pain, and death.

Everything God has ever done, in scripture, and in your day to day life, has been about leading us all back to Him.  He has been our ever patient teacher, outlining how to live with meaning, how to love, and what is important.  Sometimes the nature of our hardened hearts has lead to lessons that seem harsh.  Sometimes our blindness to the extent to which evil would lead us, has lead to eye-opening seemingly destructive lessons that break our hearts, and humble our prides.  But were it not so, we would be lost without hope.  We must trust our teacher, that to learn the ways of love and life is a prize unto itself.  It is a reward unto itself.  It is the kingdom of Heaven begun right here and right now … 

Friday, June 1, 2007

Define Irony ...

Definition #1:  Michael Moore making a small fortune from a film decrying the financial model that will in fact enrich him.  Yes today was the release of the movie “Capitalism, A Love Story” by the documentary film mogul Michael Moore.  Michael does an excellent job showing how the definition of Capitalism has changed over the last 60 years.  Capitalism has gone from being associated with hard work, free enterprise, and competition to a virtual stranglehold of Wall Street and mega corporations over our entire political and economic systems.  Michael’s proposed solution is to reintroduce the basic principles of democracy into our economic systems – one man, one vote.  Still the irony remains …

Definition #2:  People enslaved to a system of oppression and hardship that defend the very system that oppresses them with their lives.  How do you entice someone to act against their own self-interest, on only a promise that things will someday “get better”.  Surely humans would not remain compliant in such a state would they?  Surely, someone would rise up and ask the obvious question like “When” will things get better and perhaps “How” will it happen.  People would not blindly follow a system of slavery and oppression if offered a choice would they?  And yet we do.  Still the irony remains …

Definition #3:  Becoming the author of evil itself, and as such, casting all the blame for everything wrong in the Universe on to the purest being in the Universe, and watching the lie get repeated and believed by the masses.  One third of heavenly angels bought into this lie, but in fairness had little historical context for the consequences.  But man buys into it today after nearly 6000 years of recorded history.  We should know better, but do not seem to.  Instead we question what is the “will of God” and imply it may well be His will that we suffer from some catastrophe caused by the evil one.  In a sense we repeat the devil’s lie that permission implies consent, instead of balancing the cause and effects of freedom of choice for sentient beings.

Irony surrounds us all.  We believe it does not exist within us, until someone calls out the elephant in the room.  If you could live a better life, would you?  The answer seems intuitively obvious, yes.  But then, why do you remain in bondage to the pain you inflict on yourself?  How long do you ‘try harder’ to rid yourself of it, before you admit that trying harder just is not working?  How long do you buy into the concept that one-day in the future things will be magically better?  People treat the idea of heaven this way, like a far off antidote for the sin and pain in their lives, like a distant cure that just cannot be reached until the someday arrives; so far from the truth, and the plan of God’s Salvation.

Americans blindly protect the rights of the rich hoping to one day join their ranks.  But it is an empty promise.  For every dream of stardom and exuberant wealth that we hold on to; is the reality that less than one in a million will ever achieve it.  The other 999,999 dreamers will have to settle for lives working at Walmart and struggling from paycheck to paycheck.  In our world today, in our country today, even the ranks of middle class are quickly disappearing.  Soon the dreamers will be forced to lower their standards to shoot for the middle class as the ultimate prize, achieving real wealth will become merely the stories of fantasy.  Capitalism has changed.  Still the irony remains …

Has it ever come to your attention that perhaps focusing on self lies at the heart of both problems in our world.  The naked pursuit of self interest leads corporate executives to care nothing for the lives they destroy in the pursuit of wealth they make.  Self interest holds you prisoner to the promise of future wealth, while keeping you in the servitude that will prevent you from ever achieving it.  Self interest holds you captivated to the momentary pleasures of evil that ruin everything of real value in your life and leave you poorer than when you began.  Serving self, is the surest way to destroy the thing you are trying to serve.  This is definition of irony for me.

Americans hear words like Socialism and Communism like fingernails on the chalk board.  Americans prefer to keep the Charity they provide in proper perspective to the wealth they have amassed.  The typical church demand for 10% seems like just the right amount of charity against income for most.  And into the decision of where to give this 10% of income away, enters all the bias and prejudice of the giver.  We cannot give a homeless person cash money for example as we do not know where they will wind up spending it and on what.  So we give to places like the United Way, Salvation Army, or the local Church we attend.  Our charity, what little there is, is almost never directed at our neighbors where it might actually make a real difference in someone’s life.  Instead we prefer the haze of organized charity organizations than direct human to human giving.

Our trend towards isolationism has given us the freedom from facing the pain that surrounds us.  We are insulated behind our TV screens and Internet surfing preferences from the human tears of our neighbors as they lose their homes to foreclosure.  It would be much harder to sit on our front porches every day and look into the eyes of the people who live right next to us on our very streets.  We don’t really want to be touched by their pain.  We don’t really want to have to feel for the poor.  Or we just might have to do something about it.  We prefer our conscience in a state of denial, than in a state of guilt.  All to preserve the self interest that literally destroys us.  Still the irony remains …

Why can’t people admit their weakness?  Why can’t people experience the liberation of giving over their burdens, their cares, their needs, their wants, their desires, and the evil they cannot win against to the only God who asks for us to do just that?  This is the plan of Salvation to save us from the evil that infects our lives, poisons our thinking, atrophies our will, and denies our potential.  Self is the enemy.  We are the enemy.  The only cure for us, is God.  The only being capable of changing the core of who we are from selfish to service is our God.  And He longs to do this FOR us, IN us, and perhaps even in spite of us.  Giving up to win.  That is the kind of irony I want to embrace.

I can speak from personal experience that allowing God to remove the evil that infects you, addicts you, and controls your mind is the most liberating experience any human can have.  It is epiphany.  It is enlightenment.  It is more than nirvana.  And it does not need to wait for a distant place, a distant destination, we call Heaven.  Freedom from evil can be here and now.  And when it begins to dawn on your life, He leads you to truth you could not comprehend before that moment.  What you begin to see with the shackles removed from your eyes can astound you.  It can humble you.  It has certainly humbled me while at the same time inspired me beyond the measure of my own capacity.

I have done nothing to earn what I have.  I have done nothing to conquer the evil I have faced in my own soul.  I cannot even tell you how I was freed from it, only that I was freed from it.  For you see, it was not me that did the work of saving me from evil, it was only my God.  When the decisions and the path I walk lead upward, it is because I have relinquished the chore of making those decisions and taking those actions to the will of my God, not to myself.  You see “I” cannot be trusted.  But God can.  “I” am inherently evil, and predisposed to failure, but what God is making me into is no longer slave to me. 

I can understand someone languishing in evil and self-inflicted misery if they did not know how to get out.  I could understand someone not being strong enough to get out, as no one really is.  But I cannot understand how anyone could hear what the solution is, and not embrace it.  I cannot understand why anyone would not want to at least try what I am talking about for themselves and see what it can bring to their lives.  This is the irony that eludes my rational conscience, and the capacity of my finite brain.  And when I think about it, I wonder if even the Almighty God I serve is able to come up with a reason that makes sense for someone to walk away from life itself.  This is an irony I hope to never understand.  And still the irony remains …