Friday, October 31, 2008

Politics of Fear ...

Heaven is not a fire escape.  But from time and memorial, stark messages of fear have been used to gain the attention of audiences to effect a result.  In the case of religion, fear has been used to call you to repentance.  In the case of politics, fear has been used to assert control over you.  Both may prove temporarily effective, but both reveal that “fear” as a motivator cannot sustain itself, unless it is constantly fed and able to grow and grow in your mind until … I would suppose you reach the point of insanity.

When unable to reasonably threaten your physical security, politicians use fear as their preferred tactic on losing what little you have.  Take the current Health Care reform debates, the subtle messages of fear intended to stop reform include … “why should you pay higher taxes to support illegal immigrants, and other poor people to get coverage” or “you could lose ‘control’ over your own doctor” or “rationing due to high costs could wind up killing grandma”.  All of these assertions have a mild basis in truth (in that they are not beyond the laws of physics), but none of them even begin to reflect the intent of reform, the current bills under discussion, or answer the key questions that must be addressed for any kind of health care reform to be successful.

The real key question we should be asking on Health Care is … “why do costs continue to rise faster than inflation every year in Health Care for the past 10 years.”  The reason is simple but affects us all – it is because our entire Health Care system is driven on a for-profit basis.  Positive aspects of this include: Health Care careers are considered stable with high earnings potential; unlimited funding allows for advances in research in both pharmaceutical and medical practice industries; most people’s 401k retirement accounts include Medical stocks or Bio-Engineering firms in order to share in the financial gains made from this setup.

But the downside of for-profit medical care is everything Christians should stand against: we currently seek for “treatments” not “cures” as treatments are lifelong income streams whereas cures kill profits; those who cannot afford healthcare do not receive any outside of an ER room; and where money motivates everyone wants a piece.  The insurance companies are motivated to deny coverage for treatments a doctor requests in order to reduce pay-outs (i.e. costs).  Lawyers are motives to sue hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies for any perceived injustice or mistake (real or imagined).  Pharmaceuticals can set prices for life-prolonging drugs at whatever they want, and we are forced to pay them.  All of this leads to insurance rate increases, which leads back to increasing the cost of health care once again.  And while we are increasing prices why not build a little extra “profit” in there as well.

When Christ walked our earth, His idea of Health Care was complete cures for whatever was wrong with the “patients” he encountered.  He healed them completely.  He did not setup treatment programs that were dependent on them coming back to Him over and over to insure they maintained their new found cures.  He healed anyone in need, whether rich or poor, and in point of fact, He came across more poor people in need, than rich.  He healed people who did not know who He truly was, and people who did not even believe in Him prior to meeting Him.  It was unconditional life-lasting health care He provided at no cost to anyone.  Talk about reform.

After His ascension His disciples carried on this kind of Health Care work in His name.  Current Christians have lost all sight of this idea, and the power of healing has all but gone out of the world.  Now the idea of “faith healing” is done largely by charlatans and money-grubbers more interested in their own fame than the true work of healing the sick.  And so Christians in the US are content with allowing their Health Care to be provided to them on a for profit basis … until they personally get bitten in the process.

So why keep things the way they are?  Because there are millions of dollars to be made in a business you cannot refuse to take part in.  When you get sick, really sick, you have no choice but to seek Health Care even if it results in your bankruptcy or financial ruin.  That alternative is better than death.  The kind of money that is made from this business is self evident by the level of furor and advertising to convince you that nothing should be done.  Only the mildest reforms will be proposed and only after the number crunchers angle a new way to make even more money from the new regulations.

And how do you go about trying to convince people of something that defies common sense?  You strike fear into their hearts.  Fear that they may lose grandma.  Fear that they may lose what little money they have in new taxes to support “poor” people.  Fear that they may lose their doctor or ‘control’ over their health care to a government run bureaucracy.  Forget the fact that for-profit insurance companies would gladly kill grandma to cut costs, they do it to moms, dads, and kids today.  Forget the fact that not keeping poor people healthy costs more in tax dollars now than would covering them and preventing the spread of disease.  And forget the fact that government is supposed to have the protection of its people as its motto, whereas for-profit-industry cares only for the bottom line financials generally at the expense of the people.  But forgetting the facts, and even the debates, it is the fear that is the preferred tactic in this fight.

And Christians think this technique is only for politicians?  Think again.  The term “Hell Fire and Brimstone” preacher comes to mind, or how about “Evangelist”?  How many times have Christian leaders spoken from the pulpit about Hell to motivate people to seek God, or more accurately to “listen and agree with whatever the preacher says next”.  Fear has been a central tenant of the Christian religion.  Those that believe fear has merit often quote the text “Fear is the beginning of wisdom”.  The rational is that fear gets your attention, and then you learn about love.  This idea reminds me of the Southpark cartoon where gnomes developed a 3 step program to make money: Step 1.) steal underwear; Step 3.) make profit.  The gnomes had no idea what to do in Step 2.) but they believed strongly in the program.  How a new believer is able to get love out of a message of fear designed to control, is no different than the underwear gnomes dilemma.

And what about all the messages of death and destruction in the Bible like say the Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction of the entire Assyrian army, Nineveh, not to mention the setting up and taking down of worldwide kingdom after kingdom from Egypt, to Assyria, to Babylon, to Medo-Persia, to Greece to Rome?  Like doctor Phil is often quoted as saying … how did that work out for you?  None of these real events have changed the motives and hearts of man to become better and seek the true God.  That is because none of these events were designed to spread the gospel of love.  They were designed to stop, contain, or cut short the spread of evil.  God has throughout history shown by example that evil will eventually be extinguished for all time in the universe.  Not through an eternally burning fire of Hell, but through the eternally consistent choices of the saved and redeemed to never seek evil again.

The destruction of evil in the Bible is not designed to instill love or fear.  It is a cause and effect, matter of fact display of the results of evil within the universe.  It will only be tolerated for so long, and then extinguished.  When using fear to motivate along these lines the entire point of the gospel is lost.  The truth is that evil is itself the punishment.  Evil is the cancer, it is the pain that ripples through your life and the lives of others.  Evil is the condition from which God wishes to redeem us.  Love is the relief and removal of evil, not the prolonging of it. 

The devil does not mind when a leader or speaker uses fear to point people to God, as he knows as soon as the fear wears off, they will leave God again.  No immediacy, no fear, no reason to stay with God.  But when someone realizes what Love is, and how their lives can be so much better without the pain of evil – that person is lost to the devil forever in the palm of our God.  Understanding love is the definition of wisdom.  The wisdom that fear should bring should only be attributed to the consequences of embracing evil.  This fear-based-wisdom is merely a factual look at the results of evil, nothing more.  Love based wisdom is learned over an eternity and enriches your life everyday you experience it.

Christ came so that you would no longer be a slave to fear.  You need fear nothing for the God of the Universe loves you personally.  Do not fear the sharing of your wealth with others, or the sharing of your love with your enemies.  Do not let messages of fear inspire hatred within you, but rather let them inspire pity and patience and charity.  Most of all submit your will to Christ, and find the change that will make your life one worth living …

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