Friday, October 10, 2008

Healing for Dummies [part 2 of 2] ...

Opportunity abounds.  Pretend you were a doctor for a few minutes who had the ability to cure something, anything.  No matter what you picked, the results of curing any one thing would affect at minimum thousands of people across the globe to as many as millions.  So where have all the cures gone?  Could it be that the business of medicine has discovered the profit in treatment and decided to forego the business P&L risk of cure?  Fine, that is the nature of greed.  But where is God in all of this?  And for those who claim His name, where is the ‘power’ that is supposed to accompany your belief system?

We touched on it briefly in our last entry, but well before Christ left this earth He distributed His gift of healing to his followers (70 of them at one point).  Those servants went through the towns and villages healing all manner of disease.  There is a subtle premise here which is often ignored because of focus on the healing itself.  By distributing His ability to heal over His servants, Christ was to able to reach many more people in a short period of time.  In point of fact, they healed anyone; they healed everyone.  Entire towns and villages were made well with every single citizen healthy before they left town.  Only those cities who refused them access, who repelled their efforts, were left untouched.  Ever wonder why so many people hailed Christ as the King on His donkey ride into Jerusalem?  Many had been healed.  Many had been fed.  Many had personal experience.

After His departure, the healing gift remained.  Not just with His immediate disciples whose stories begin in Acts and continue throughout the New Testament; but with those who came to believe in Him.  Those who had never met Him one-on-one were given abilities – Gifts – of the Spirit.  The ability to heal was among these Gifts given to His church by Christ.  It was arguably the oldest gift given to the servants of Christ, by Christ himself.  It predated Pentecost.   Healing it seems, was to be a hallmark of the believers of the church belonging to Christ.

The numbers of those who claim to be Christian have certainly multiplied over the years.  And what God has done for the church has certainly been well preserved.  Insuring we have a Bible, a written testament to rely upon, was in itself an act of God.  The Catholic church would have gladly suppressed the publication of this book during the dark ages were it left up them.  But this is typical behavior of all those in power, they wish not to lose it.  The Catholic church was right about one premise that accompanied the release of the scriptures in the common languages, we now have as many denominations of Christians as we have groups of people anywhere.  Ignoring our doctrinal distinctions for just a moment however, we all claim to be Christian.  We all claim to follow the teachings of Christ.  And therefore in some ways we all represent His name, and His character to others in this world. 

Healing was a big part of the ministry of Christ here on earth, so what are modern Christians doing to propagate this ministry?  We open hospitals of course.  We train our young to become medical professionals.  We open missions to feed the poor, and educate those in need.  Modern Christians have done MUCH to improve their communities and world around them through these outreach programs.  But they all share one other common thread; they are based on the best science, and business models of the day in which we live.  Don’t get me wrong I am not advocating we give up the advances we have made in medical science, or abdicate modern medicine in any way shape or form.  I am simply pointing out, we do not base our efforts to heal on miracles.  We base them on models of predictability.

The idea that miracles related to healing even exist anymore is now HIGHLY suspect.  Why?  What is it about healing in the Bible that has become so foreign to our way of thinking?  Have we become so ‘educated’ now that these stories must simply have been in error?  I mean, let’s be real for a minute, they did not have MRI machines back in Christ’s days.  Maybe as diagnostics goes, things were not as bad as they seemed in some of those stories right?  Wrong.  But this entire line of thinking has diluted the faith of Christians, and placed believing in Miracles as now akin to fundamentalist thinking, i.e. extreme.

But whether Christians have completely abandoned the idea of miraculous healing altogether, or just put it in the back burner of their minds near the remainder of their skepticism; they do not practice this gift any longer on any sort of wide scale.  To be blunt, we Christians have given up wide scale thinking entirely.  No one even imagines healing every single person in a town or city anymore (like they did in the Bible).  No one even imagines healing every single person in just one hospital anymore (nor would Hospital administration allow it to go on).  It has gotten so bad among Christians, we doubt even the healing of a member of our own families.  We may pray for it.  But we doubt it.

This is the condition of the church today.  Not just of my church, but of all churches; not just of my faith, but of all Christian faiths.  Our pragmatism has replaced our idealism.  Losing faith in the literacy of scripture has lead to many reportedly Christian believers thinking we have only to lean on ‘good concepts’ of the Bible, not literal stories.  We treat the Bible as a Chinese menu, to pick and choose what we will be willing to believe in.  Healing and the miracle related healing stories inspire our idealism, offer us hope perhaps, but have decidedly NOT infected us with a change in how we approach this topic.  Our missions continue, our miracles do not.

In this degraded state we have had to alter our prayers as well, to reflect our lack of faith, and new found pragmatism.  When we do actually offer a prayer for the sick, we couch it in language of “if it is God’s will”.  As if, our default posture is one where God sits up there thinking, I wonder who I should make suffer today.  Or at the least, whose prayers I should ignore or answer no, in order that the suffering may continue.  Truth is, our language is merely a testament to our own lack of faith.  We have seen too little miraculous healing in our own experiences so we have come to believe it is a rare thing, almost unheard of.  We must then pray in a way that might preserve the faith of others when the healing does not come (as we expect it will not in our heart of hearts).

Wake up Christians.  It has never been God who desires and wills that we suffer.  It has ALWAYS been His will to relieve and end our suffering.  It is our God who is desperately trying to SAVE us.  Does this sound like the kind of God who ‘wishes’ for people to hurt?  It is inconsistent with His entire character. 

It is perfectly in sync however with the nature of evil.  It is EVIL that wishes us to suffer, both from our choices, and those of others.  It is EVIL who wishes us to lose all hope in our prayers, and avoid believing in the truth of the power to heal.  It is EVIL who tries to distract us from what we might become, from what power we might connect to if we were to change how we think.  This is the action plan of EVIL, not of God.

Healing is real.  Healing is possible.  Healing can be permanent.  Just like Salvation it is a gift of our God.  I cannot save or heal you; but the God I serve can and more importantly WANTS to.  I cannot cure cancer, but the God I serve knows how to permanently remove it from your entire body, from every cell, no recurrence, no end to remission.  This is the kind of cure my God WANTS to offer you; not some namby-pamby, half-baked, piddley little treatment, that only reduces your pain for a while, until you pray again.  Total cure.  Total healing.  Extended life.  Those are the hallmarks of the cures my God WANTS and IS offering you.  It is we, His servants, that have botched His healing.  It is we, who have walked away from the gift He still WANTS to offer.  It is we, who no longer believe.  It is we.

But healing remains as God remains.  If you know someone who is sick; if it is you, if it is a loved one – take hope young Christian.  Do not abandon yourself, or those you love, to suffer at the hands of evil.  Do not allow the condition of suffering to go unchallenged.  Open your Bible and read what Christ did.  Look back to the author of Salvation and Healing, and ask for what He already WANTS to give you.  Don’t worry about the state of your faith.  Pray with boldness, knowing He already WANTS to offer you this healing.  If you can’t bring yourself to believing there could be healing from God through you for entire cities, or entire hospitals, then at least allow it to pass through your prayers for the one you care about.  Stop restraining God with your pragmatism, and throw open the door to miracles the likes of which you have never seen.  It is You He has been waiting for.  It is You who might change this entire world.  It is Your thinking He wants to change, and Your faith He wants to affirm.  Don’t just close the blog, open the heart, and watch the results; experience His healing …

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