Friday, October 24, 2008

God's Diet Plan ...

There are many who profess to know precisely the right diet plan to be in accordance with Biblical guidelines.  Some even believe that a choice in diet reflects the measure of a relationship with God.  And still others believe that eating some foods will result in going directly to hell (well I guess not directly, you do have to die first, according to these folks anyway). 

So what to do about diet?  The kosher dining enthusiasts would have us abandon unclean meats, or particular meats that are not prepared, cooked, and stored properly.  The vegetarians among us would advocate abandoning all meat clean or otherwise.  The vegans would take this a step farther and abandon all animal by-products including dairy, eggs, etc..  There is after all a small tribe in the Andes mountains in South America that eat only fruits, grains, and nuts (the Eden diet plan) and continue to live to well over 100 yrs old.  Of course this tribe lives in a remote area and probably does not suffer with as much pollution, sedentary lifestyles, or 21st century stress either.

The Christians who support eating anything poo-poo the Kosher ideas of clean and unclean meats as being from Mosaic law, i.e. ‘nailed’ to the cross at Christ’s death.  They also take the vision Peter had about God directing him to eat unclean meats (meaning go tell the Gentiles about the Gospel) as being literal permission for Christians to eat anything now.  Strictly following Christ’s example however would take us back to eating only kosher meats such as fish, lamb, and perhaps beef.  Not being a rich man, Christ would have dined mostly on breads and vegetables, but the periodic introduction of kosher meat in his diet (near temple ceremonies) is likely.  And as we have pointed out earlier, God does not seem to change His requirements of us all that often.  The separation of animals into clean and unclean was reflected as far back as the flood (thus predating Mosaic law).  And the guidelines seem to be for us to remain healthy, therefore not likely to expire over time.  Sorry bacon fans …

Vegetarians and vegans with religious inclinations point out that animal meat was only introduced into our diets AFTER the fall of man, and that all such flesh foods (even the clean ones) will no longer be provided in heaven.  And frankly they have a point.  Death is scheduled to end.  Therefore animal death will end as well, and meat will not be a meal served throughout eternity.  However I do not believe the verdict is in on animal by-products such as milk, cheese, butter, ice-cream or eggs.  Although I suffer from a dairy allergy here on earth, I hope to enjoy some of these heavenly produced products without the ill effects.  Who knows?

But what about today?  Unfortunately, this is one of those topics which can only be discussed in the forum of guidelines not in absolutes.  With the proliferation of food allergies, and pollution in every substance we consume, it is difficult or nearly impossible to talk in absolutes.  However there are many principles the Bible espouses which can be considered when formulating the diet God would be proud of for you.

First, in all things be temperate.  This advice applies to more than simply diet, but the concept of placing limits on yourself, and trying not to ‘indulge’ wildly is a good first step.  The mere act of over-eating is responsible for the massive weight gain we see around us.  Add to this a sedentary lifestyle, and propensity to avoid cooking and get ‘fast’ food and we doom ourselves to an existence in the ‘fat’ chair.  Temperance in our diet would go a long way in developing temperance in other aspects of our behavior and would do us a world of good in general.  Self-denial after all is a Christian principle.

Second, balance things out.  Self-denial is not the same as self-torture and self-suicide.  There is no need to cut out all good tasting food for the sake of self-denial.  Rather balance everything you eat between the major food groups, and be temperate about the amounts and no one food is likely to hurt you.  Notwithstanding formal diagnosed food allergies, a balanced diet is the answer to many questions of health we ask today.  It provides us with the best chance we have to get ALL the vitamins and minerals we need in a format we can utilize.  Pills seldom accomplish the same thing.  Natural diet is always best at nurturing our bodies.  If you find yourself eating the same food several times a week, change things up some more.  You need a good variety to keep healthy.

Third, watch out for harmful things.  Black pepper tastes great, but can be harmful to your body.  So can high quantities of salt and sugar.  While trying to be temperate and balanced you do need to keep an eye out for any substance that may be slipping into your diet unawares (i.e. pre-salted foods – then adding more table salt for example).  No-one can satisfy me that genetic manipulation of plants or animals is a good thing, so I tend to look for organic when possible.  I avoid using pesticides in a home garden where I can.  I wash my vegetables when possible before cooking them.  I clean cooking surfaces so raw meats do not touch other foods during the process of preparation.  Cooking meat well done helps.  There are so many new germs, and bugs of various harmful effects, one must take precautions no matter what the actual food you consume.  I prefer the natural to the chemical substitute like butter to margarine, eggs to egg-beaters, sugar to saccrine.  Seems to me chemical substitutes are more likely to cause harm than the natural substances they are designed to replace (especially when consumed only in moderation as outlined above).

Fad diets that eliminate carbs, fat, or proteins and focus on a small subset of foods, or no food at all (merely shakes) are probably not the answer for you.  Remember that diet is a part of life.  It does not seem reasonable that you are going to spend the rest of your life drinking shakes alone.  You may think you only need this radical approach while dieting to lose weight.  But in fact you are dieting to live all the time.  If your natural diet is leading you to gain weight you need to adjust it, or the trend will continue until it kills you.  Age and bad dietary habits can form a lethal combination.  Inviting God to be a part of this process is an excellent solution as well.

Those who equate diet with salvation have a self-reliant sense of works-based gospel (i.e. a false one).  The correlation between dietary habits and salvation works this way.  When God is allowed control in your life He begins to make changes.  Maybe even in the things you eat.  Maybe even in the things you like to eat.  You may find yourself liking foods you previously would have discarded.  This could be God’s work in your life.  Helping you acquire a taste for food your body is in desperate need of.  Or the opposite may apply; you may lose your preference for a food that was in fact killing you.  The beauty of having God involved in your diet plan is that He is able to customize one just for you.  Like everything else about the process of salvation, it is not your job to beat up someone else with truth revealed to you – it is your job to love others and introduce them to the source of your truth – then let them have the chance to get their own.  Besides what is good for your diet might actually kill somebody else in today’s world, so let’s give up the whole judging thing.

And for those purists of self denial who believe food is entirely irrelevant, I have a little news for you.  God has chosen to make what we eat the mechanism of our eternal life in heaven.  In fact heaven will continue to have a tree-of-life from which 12 different fruits will grow, a new one each month.  We will eat from these fruits and continue living forever.  So eating and food are not something scheduled to pass away.  The really good news is that what we do eat in heaven will be converted completely into energy our bodies and minds need with zero waste by product.  No more 2 hours trips to the little-boys-room for me J  And no more waking up in the middle of the night for all you ladies out there to … well you know.  From then on, what we eat becomes fully utilized.  Wish it was that way now, don’t you …

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