Friday, October 30, 2009

A New Hope ...

In just days the new President Elect will become the next President of the United States.  Barack Obama takes over at probably one the worst times in our country’s history.  Economic recession unrivaled since the last great depression, 2 land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (not to mention the one on “terror”), Violence in Israel (again), and probably the worst casualty of all in the last 8 years – the compromise of our values and freedoms with unjust laws like the so-called “Patriot Act”, policies on torture, and the Guantanamo prison system to name a few.

But despite times being at one of their worst, this is still a time for optimism.  There is still a way to imagine hope.  With a new President, comes a new way of looking at things, a new way of handling things, and hopefully … new = better.  The best rational for hope is the current state of how horrible things have become.  While they could and perhaps will get a bit worse, it is harder and harder to imagine how, and easier and easier to imagine them improving.  Imagination then is the launching point, the beginning of hope.

And if hope can take hold despite the obvious, what else is possible?  There are those who believe that power of your imagination is more real than you give it credit.  Imagining your own success, becomes the first step in achieving your own success.  Science and the Bible seem united on this point, for the scripture says … “as a man thinks so is he”.  How you think of yourself, what you believe about yourself, becomes who you are. 

The reason why Hope is so important, is that constant dwelling on negativity can lead you only downwards, not upwards.  Depression feeds on itself.  The more down-hearted and sad you become by focusing on the negative facts of life, the more the cycle repeats and intensifies.  There is no question about the preponderance of negative facts we are surrounded by, the question is only what we choose to focus upon.  The first bit of the good news of the gospel is HOPE!  The first thing the gospel message brings to the human heart, is relief, is joy, is hope.  It is the beginning of the end of negative spirals that grow out of control.

Even the most devout Christian with an unshakeable faith, can find themselves wallowing in negativity.  Their prayers become ones of constant appeals for forgiveness and deliverance; with joy and appreciation wholly absent from their minds.  The small victories that come from God are overlooked in lieu of the large looming negative facts of life that call our attention in bold letters and loud tones.  Evil demands attention.  Think about that.  Why?  Why is attention so important to the success of the evil agenda in our lives?  Is it because as we believe about ourselves so are we?  Is it because even Science and the Bible are in sync on this topic? 

“As a man thinks.”  What do you spend your day thinking about?  There is no need to read scripture 24 hours a day, or spend 24 hours in fervent prayer, or deep in nature to answer this question appropriately.  The folks who would tell you to read your Bible more, or to pray more, are never happy with how often you do read your Bible or how much time you do spend in prayer.  They have the “never enough” disease.  “Never enough’s” cannot be happy with how much effort you put forth on anything because … it is never enough.  Nothing you do ever matters, because again … it is never enough.  This disease is an insidious type of negativity that belittles important things and leaves you completely without any satisfaction (a hallmark of evil plans and designs).

But back to my question, what do you think about?  My guess would be, put simply whatever it is you see.  Your work, your family, the TV, the Internet, whatever it is you watch or spend a good deal of time seeing, is what you think about.  Sometimes the imagery even slips into your subconscious and comes out in your dreams.  And if you think about it long enough, it becomes a part of who you are.  Therefore, evil demands constant attention in order to put within you seeds of negativity that can grow and grow until they reach maturity in your actions.

Bad news usually dominates the news shows … but why?  It gets the ratings.  Ratings rule what you see.  Evil demands attention.  People are not as riveted by good news as they are by catastrophe, so the cameras are always looking for what is next.  It is endemic in every society, in every culture on earth … again why?  If an evil consciousness did not exist it would not be so universally found in our world.  But all mankind suffers from this phenomenon.  And God knew what we needed above all things … Hope.

What if you spent some time actively putting all the negative facts of life on a shelf for a while, and allowed yourself to think on other things.  What if you focused on hope for a few minutes, and began to imagine what hope could do to change your life, your surroundings, your family, you.  If things could be better for you, what would they look like?  What would just a small step towards making your life better look like?  How could it come about?  Could you influence it coming about?  Can you imagine it, clearly?

“As a man thinks.”  The transforming power of the mind’s eye is not to be underestimated.  Some of the greatest athletes of our time could visualize themselves making the plays.  Some of the greatest mathematicians can simply see the solutions in their minds.  It is possible.  If you can begin to see yourself succeed in your mind perhaps you will begin to see yourself succeed in real life.  But no need to stop there …

What if you began to imagine what you are capable of where it comes to serving God?  What if you started imagining what Heaven might be like?  What if you started imagining what a perfect relationship with someone you love might look like?  What about perfect service.  If you began to imagine how good, good can truly be, might you start becoming what you see?  It is all about focus.  When we place it on good, on Christ, we are changed in a profound way.  When we abandon the cycle of negativity we become new creatures.

Some of the most negative people I know are the blindest to their own condition.  I know, I know, if you read my last 3 blogs you might be quick to point out I should be looking in the mirror (well at least if you only read them casually J).  When I have confronted them with the negativity they exude, they are usually surprised.  They don’t think of themselves in that way.  The truth is, negativity has so become a part of who they are they are completely immune to detecting it within themselves.  So how do you know if negativity has gotten a hold on you?

Start by taking a minute and examining what a perfect moment might look like?  Where would you like to be, what would you like to be doing, who would benefit from it?  If you have no clue – you might be infected with negativity.  Some who have little imagination or are not terribly creative use the lack of these 2 traits as reasons why they cannot imagine “good things”.  This excuse is merely a cover for negativity.  The disease has them.  Ask yourself, how many people like talking with you?  If they initiative contact often, and tend to stay for a while, they must like what they hear.  Negative people tend to repel others, not draw them closer.  But no matter what your state of infection, we all suffer from it from time-to-time, and we are all able to put it out of our lives if we choose to.

Start by refocusing on good, on Christ, and on Hope that He has brought you.  You have hope, because no matter how bad it is now, it will not always be that way.  A time is coming when peace will reign.  A time is coming when pain has no more a part in your life in any way shape or form.  A time is coming when you ask your God a question, you will be looking Him in the eyes.  A time is coming when the fulfillment you experience so overwhelms you that you have no words to describe it, bliss is inadequate, and service is treasured above all else.  A time is coming that even Obama cannot envision, past the kingdoms and administrations of this world, is a government based on love of others.  A place where self does not exist, and life is everlasting.  A time is coming, whether we have hope in it or not, it is coming.  Better for us to hold our hope and cherish it …

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