Friday, September 12, 2008

Ghosts, Goblins, and Little Green Men ...

There are times, situations, and events which defy scientific explanation that occur in our world.  When presented with true supernatural phenomenon, a pure scientist is completely disarmed.  These occurrences are rare, but not unheard of.  Due to an earlier debunked theory (the immortality of the soul), Christians too tend to believe in the interaction of dead former loved ones in their present lives.  And of course Hollywood movies, and classic mythology give us many ideas about supernatural beings who seem to dabble in our lives at their convenience.  Why are all these ideas entertained, given credence, and sometimes devoutly believed; they dilute man’s search for the true God, and offer a false hope of unconditional immortality.

No-one disputes the idea that intelligent life exists throughout the Universe.  However, given a proper understanding of the condition of our world (namely as we discussed before, ours is the only world who embraced evil), why would intelligent beings who are already aware of our condition choose to interact with us up close and personal?  Most ‘alien’ abduction stories involve advanced technology, three fingered ET looking creatures, and often enough anal probes (see Cartman at South Park).  As we have discussed already, the nature of evil is to hurt its victim, but also to hurt anyone / anything it comes in contact with.  Perfect intelligent ‘alien’ beings would know this, and therefore would stay as far away from it as possible.  So why the persistence of this concept throughout our literature, movies, and conspiracy theorists; ironically it is the same reason, people accept the concept of Ghosts.

Those who accept Satan’s first lie, that “you will not die” from disobeying God, tend to accept that our soul is immortal and continues to live no matter in what condition after our physical body death.  This concept is not supported by the Bible, nor is it consistent with our understanding of God, or logical with respect to the existence of evil and its ultimate schedule for extinction.  But people accept traditional beliefs without much personal investigation, and the myth of ghostly interaction with man has persisted for as long as there is written word to document it.  The real issue is not whether an apparition is possible.  Just like an ‘alien’ sighting, people can be confronted with times, situations, and events they are unable to logically explain.  The issue is the nature of these manifestations, and discovering their true intent.

Given that aliens would NOT visit us or get anywhere close to the evil of our world, and the fact that our dearly departed loved ones are completely decomposing physically in a state of dreamless sleep (unable to further communicate in any way) – where do these sightings come from?  There is one possibility, angels. 

The angels who serve our God are his primary work force here on earth.  They are eager to serve God (as service is a founding principle of the government of all of Heaven), and are happy and fulfilled when engaged in His work.  One role these angels play in our lives is to serve as our invisible guardians.  They protect us, and are on constant watch in order to insure we are not arbitrarily harmed by evil.  While God is not power hungry, or a tyrant, Satan is.  Satan would gladly kill any one of us on a whim.  Our guardian angels serve to prevent this from happening.  In addition to guarding us, they also chronicle our entire lives and record their findings in the books of record in Heaven.  There are times when the cloak of invisibility is removed and we wind up engaged with angels unawares.  But again these incidents tend to be rare, and primarily in order to protect us from harm (i.e. the direct influence of evil).

There are however another group of angels, or at least former angels, who now serve their Satanic master in a loose alliance to destroy the kingdom of God (as well as any and all people who choose to serve Him).  Their interaction in our lives is anything but noble.  They appear as harmless, sometimes disguising themselves as angels of light, but their words, intentions, and advice give them away as servants of evil.  They wish us harm.  And it is easy for them to take forms we would choose to accept – such as the form of dearly departed loved ones, ‘aliens’ (if that is what your into), Hollywood type creatures, essentially anything you choose to believe in within the supernatural realm.  Since most people are unaware the source of these phenomenon is limited to only 2 kinds of powers – one good, one horrifically evil, they do not even challenge the manifestations intentions. 

When presented with something of the supernatural variety there is a defense which Christians should employ.  It is a simple challenge to the ‘entity’ by saying – “In the name of Jesus Christ, the True Son of God, who are you?”  This question is extremely powerful, and the entity will NOT be allowed to lie about his origin.  God is not offended in any way to answer this question, but former angels (now demons) in the service of Satan are compelled to answer it truthfully.  And they will not be happy about it.  Confrontation with the supernatural is scary.  But what is worse, is the idea that alien encounters, and ghosts working in our lives are in any way benign.  They come from only one source.  God does not need to imitate the form of our dead to talk to us.  He does not need to pose as an alien to get our attention.  But Satan will and does, with as many as he can deceive.

So what would happen if you find yourself confronting a vampire, werewolf, alien creature, or ghost of some type, can you defeat them since you now know of their true origin?  No, not really.  We were created “a little lower than the angels” we are not their equal.  However, our loving God is their superior in every way.  Calling on God to battle your demons for you is the ONLY way to insure their defeat.

Hollywood is the worst of liars when it comes to presenting these situations.  Hollywood would have you believe there are both good and evil demons.  They want us to accept that some witches and warlocks are good and some are evil; that some dead ghosts are good to us, and some intend us harm.  All of these ideas are FALSE.  There are NO good demons (an oxymoron if I ever heard one).  They are ALL bad, at least all the real ones.  What’s more, Hollywood ALWAYS has man fighting these evil creatures based on his own strength, with his own weapons.  A wooden stake through the heart of a vampire, a silver bullet to a werewolf, bullets to an alien, the sign of a cross, etc.; all have one thing in common, none of them rely on God to defeat evil, that job is left up to us. 

What would a real situation look like presented in a Hollywood movie if it reflected the truth about the power of God?  Imagine the scene from Lord of the Rings 3 where hundreds of thousands of demonic looking creatures stand on a battle field, but opposite them is simply you.  You are alone there.  You are completely unarmed.  You have no weapons, no magic powers, no spells to cast, no ring of invisibility.  Just you.  As they begin to start running towards you to attack and shred you into bits, you simply pray a silent prayer – “in the name of Jesus Christ, save me”.  At this simple prayer, the God of Heaven beams down a single ray of light that engulfs you, swarms of angels of light surround you and are now visible to your eyes (each one carries a sword of fire).  And the entire swarm of evil is immediately decimated, nothing left, not one trace of them, all the way to their headquarter mountain, nothing.  This is the comparative power of a simple prayer of a follower of God arrayed against hundreds of thousands of demonic forces.  And it has already happened twice in the Old Testament alone (check out the story of Elijah and his servant facing the angry king and his entire army; also check out the story of the Assyrian King and his 100,000+ army that is completely defeated by a single angel sent from God to protect Israel.)  This is a picture of truth, not the crud Hollywood tries to sell us.

So why all this emphasis on supernatural influences in our lives?  They are meant to confuse people into accepting lies instead of truth.  To take the focus of following God and finding out what God is like, and place it on trying to explain supernatural phenomenon.  And it works very well.  Unaware of the evil source of these apparitions, and equally unaware of the evil intentions, people blindly accept these interactions without so much as a question.  The good news we have is that our God is all powerful.  He cannot be defeated.  We do not have to wage battles against these supernatural forces, we can call on Him to defeat them.  We are slaves no longer.  We are free.  We are protected.  And we will choose to stay as close as possible to our God…

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