Friday, July 25, 2008

Jesus Could Not Be A Republican ...

An entire conservative Christian political movement in this country has laid claim to the Republican party and its agenda.  They propose unity around several key socio-political issues and wish to translate their own moral beliefs into laws of the land.  They believe they have an obligation to vote for those candidates who share their ideas, and have become so powerful a voting block that no Republican will openly defy their agenda.  Democrats take a beating on this issue as liberal elitism seems to have supplanted a basic faith in God.  Libertarians and Green party members are considered fringe and irrelevant by the majority of conservative Christians.  And perhaps most ironically, the early Christian church that Christ established resembled more communism than any current political party views.  Believers voluntarily sold ALL their possessions and pooled their money to provide for the entire group and the poor; completely absent in any conservative Christian thinking of today in our country.

There is further irony in that people who claim the name of Christ in their corporate designation, approach others in a way that does not resemble that of Jesus in any way.  Throughout His entire life on earth, Christ was always confronted with people caught in various conditions of sin – the woman at the well (multiple sexual partners), the demonically possessed, the adulterous, the proud, etc..  When confronted with these ‘sinners’ He never condemned them.  He did not sentence the guilty to the various punishments the ‘law’ demanded.  He instead loved them, each one.  He healed them from their various problems.  He forgave them ALL.  And they left His presence praising God and witnessing to everyone around them about their encounter with the Savior.  Does this sound like a typical approach of Republicans with those who do not agree with their ideas?

There was also a particular incident when Christ was tested with a no-win scenario.  Asked if He supported paying an extremely unpopular tax rate to Caesar (a foreign invader), or not?  Christ pointed to the image of Caesar on a coin, and directed us to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are Gods.”  This statement implies more than just obeying laws of the land, or prioritizing God’s requirements above those of the world.  It also makes clear a separation of church and state.  This separation was part of our heritage in our constitution.  It was designed to keep a majority religious view from persecuting minority opinions.  Coming out of the dark ages of more than 1200 years of inquisition, and persecution by the Roman Catholic Church, and on the heals of persecution of the English Anglican church inspiring the pilgrims to seek solace in this country.  Our constitution was written to try to avoid a repeat of religious overbearance.  Yet recent Republican activity would seek to enact laws that support a particular moral viewpoint, even if it does not reflect a majority view.  Going directly against the advice of Christ to keep government separate from religion, Republicans march forward attempting to outlaw behavior they see as non-Biblical such as support for Gay Rights.

God has always preserved the right of every intelligent being to choose their own fates in the form of who they will serve – good or evil.  But understand the choice to serve evil is protected by God with the same ferocity as the choice to choose good.  It is not God’s plan or His desire that we choose against Him.  But we are FREE to make that choice.  God does not make or want robots.  Why do the Republicans?  If the weight of your arguments for making better choices are not enough to convince others, find better arguments; don’t make restrictive laws to enforce your views.  This is not the character or actions of God or Christ.  This is the approach and government of Satan himself.  He would be more than happy to force you into his service.  He would gladly make laws restricting your beliefs, and governing your behavior.  God does not force belief or obedience only Satan does.

Homosexuality was not what God planned for us.  The Bible condemns this behavior just like it does a wide variety of sexual immorality.  But that does not excuse humans to judge each other based on Biblical guidelines.  The Bible is not to be used as a club to beat sinners into submission.  It is to be used as a light to lead people out of darkness and away from pain.  Can a homosexual attend church?  I sure hope so, and I hope they feel comfortable in my own.  Can they be saved?  Yes.  Just like me, a sinner with a different set of issues I contend with everyday, they can be saved too.  Can they preach, or give insights we can learn from?  Yes.  Can they teach our children?  Yes.  Does God condemn them?  No more than you or I.  We ALL engage in behavior that is less than ideal, we make mistakes, we embrace evil knowingly and unknowingly.  We do stupid things.  And sometimes we find ourselves addicted to the evil behavior we have embraced be that homosexuality, or gossip mongering, or judging others, or being sexually promiscuous, or just refusing to give up our pride.  All sin brings pain.  All can be forgiven.  And we may all wrestle to make better choices for our entire existence in this world.  Why is one sin so much worse than another?

The argument is not about what behavior is right or wrong, it is about whether your version of what is truth should be mandated as my own?  Those Republicans who would feel so good as to reverse roe vs. wade, block gay marriage, and enact / enforce Sunday blue-laws – would they equally jump for joy if say a different form of religion came into prominence with a differing set of agendas?  What if conservative Muslims came into power in this country and government.  Would those same Republicans who fight to enforce their own religious views on others submit to a different majority view such as – Fridays off for worship, wearing a birka for all women in public, and giving up all pork products in food of any kind?  There would be a rebellion in the streets if American Muslims formed a voting block than influenced the laws of the land to favor their own religious values.  Even though they may agree with overturning Roe, and banning Gay marriage, these other restrictions would be considered “going too far”. 

The reality is that Christians should avoid the idea of enforcement and embrace the idea of tolerance when it comes to matters of religion.  The most valiant Christian believer will defend the right of the Satanist to believe as he chooses.  Religion can be bound by governmental laws when the rights of others are violated through its practice.  This means, it is not OK to kill, steal, rob, rape, or in any other way, violate the rights of others based on religious beliefs.  But it should be equally forbidden to make any laws restricting the rights of an individual when their behavior does not impose on the rights of others.  A woman should have the choice of what to do with her body for her entire life.  People should be able to gather and worship whatever god they want, in whatever fashion they believe, as long as it does not harm others.  No-one should be forced to pray to any god, in any public situation.  The point is no-one should be forced to accept the moral beliefs of another sect.  Especially those in the minority.  It is the rights of the minorities that are the most precious to protect, and where genuine Christians must be vigilant.

So why couldn’t Jesus be a Republican if He just did not try to enforce His views on others?  Well I guess you just have to take a look at the other things Republicans espouse …

1.)    Against Gun Control (Christ never advocated violence, or hunting, or relying on self for protection)
2.)    Against Government Assistance for the Poor (Christ advocated giving ALL your possessions up for the poor)
3.)    Pro Death Penalty (Christ died for our sins, so we would not have to, advocated forgiveness)
4.)    Pro War (Christ advocated peace, said we should turn the other cheek, love our enemies, pray for all)
5.)    Pro Business / Anti Environment (Christ said ‘love of money’ is the root of all evil)
6.)    Pro Life / Anti Gay (Christ said “love each other” in this the world will know who you belong too)

Christ never tried to govern His kingdom through fear.  The good news of the gospel frees us from fear.  It gives us boldness to serve one another.  It allows us to love each other, as we discover how much we are loved.  We are free to forgive each other as we realize how much we have been forgiven.  We are liberated from the pain of making evil choices, and suffering from addictions based in evil, through the power of our Lord.  All these fantastic gifts have been laid at our table by our Lord.  And all we have to do is accept them.  This is the compelling beauty of our Lord.  This alone is the reason to serve Him.  We need not ever sacrifice our civil liberties to achieve an illusion of freedom or security in our evil world.  We can walk boldly through the valley of the shadow of death because our Lord has defeated death itself.  Our existence is not confined to the limits of this world, but is guaranteed to continue in a paradise of self-sacrifice that will last an eternity.  These reasons are compelling enough to serve God; they do not require legal enforcement to be valid.

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