Friday, July 11, 2008

God's President ...

George W. Bush believes he has been ‘called’ to be President of this country by God.  He rightly points out that God is ultimately in charge of the world, and that since he won the contest, God allowed it.  But does God’s allowance mean God’s endorsement?  Does it matter ‘how’ he won our Presidency?  And at the end of the day, doesn’t the result work backwards into saying … “it must have been God’s will”?  What does it say about us as believers with G.W.’s approval ratings so terribly low, are we again rebelling against the will of God?

So what happens in November of this year?  Assuming McCain wins, will Democratic Christians fall into line and recognize the finger of God in the win.  Republican believers are quick to denounce Bill Clinton as somewhere near the anti-christ and the logic that applies to Bush or McCain is somehow lost on Bill.  Will Republicans fall into line behind an O’bama Presidency?  It makes for an interesting conversation.  But the real question quickly becomes – how “in charge” is God of this world?

When looking around it is easy to spot the evil, and rare to spot the good.  Evil seems to outweigh good by hefty margins; most non-believers take this as evidence that no God exists at all.  Christians are willing to accept that God allows the choice of man to largely affect his own world, but not with absolute consequences lest we all kill ourselves.  But it does beg the question … is there a King, Dictator, or President in charge of a country without the tacit permission of God?  What do you do with Hitler, Saddam, or G.W. at that point?  Maybe we only apply this rule to Christian nations?  But Italy is devoutly Catholic Christian and has suffered fascist dictators like Mussolini.  It is hard to accept any evil leader is tolerated by God.  How could God tolerate Hitler, or Saddam?

Bring it down a notch or two into a situation that affects you even more directly.  Have you ever worked for what appears to be an ‘evil’ boss?  Ever had someone who had control over your career or future who did not appreciate your contributions and actively worked to make your life more miserable?  I think we all have.  So was that person also ‘blessed’ to be in charge by God?  Careful kiddies, that mean-old-boss may well be you, from the perspective of those who have worked for you.

A long while ago there was a young man, handsome, good looking, charismatic.  He had good ideas, liberal philosophies, and was quite interested in gaining knowledge.  But like most of us, he was not perfect.  He was ambitious, ruthless, and the best military commander to have ever lived.  How do I make that claim?  Scripture calls him out.  He was the first King to ever rule the entire ‘known’ world.  His name was Nebuchadnezzar.  He was NOT a Jew.  He was NOT a believer in the one true God.  He was NOT a Muslim.  He was a Chaldean, a Babylonian.  His armies swept west to the Mediterranean, south to Egypt and Ethiopia, north to Turkey, and east to India.  He built a golden city that could not be conquered.  He had no respect for any single God until a simple man named Daniel came along.

Then something really weird by today’s Christian standards occurred.  This pagan, heathen, arrogant, proud dictator king, was given a vision of the upcoming history of the world.  Think about it folks, the Jewish people were his captives.  He killed them by the barrel load while invading their “blessed” country.  He killed God’s chosen people, sparing only the young healthy wise-men types (who he largely turned into eunuchs).  This was the Hitler of his day.  Many of God’s servants died on the end of Babylonian spears and swords.  This was the guy who God chose to reveal the next 4000 years of political forecast to.  NOT to the Jewish prophet who served God daily and prayed to Him 3 times a day out of an open window; no to the pagan King, responsible for the downfall of His nation.

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream showed his own empire as the golden head of a statue, followed by the Medo Persian silver arms, the Greek Brass thighs, the Roman iron legs, and the current state of affairs with mixed iron and clay – some countries weak, some very strong – until Christ Himself returns from heaven as a stone that crumbles the entire statue and replaces it with His own kingdom. 

So how does this pagan king react to learning the meaning of his dream?  Like any good dictator he sends the messenger Daniel away on ‘important’ business and summons every other kingdom leader to Babylon to worship an 80 foot high SOLID gold statue of himself.  Essentially Nebuchadnezzar was sending God a message that he alone would be king forever.  He figured with Daniel away, he could easily get the buy-in from the other leaders of his kingdom, but 3 Jewish servants stood alone on the plain and refused to bow despite the ever present furnace.  On bursting the pride of this king, and reclaiming them from the fire, Nebuchadnezzar recognizes “the likeness of the Son of God” walking in the flames with the 3 other Hebrews.  He saw Christ.  And he knew who He was.

Did God put Nebuchadnezzar in charge?  Or perhaps like your boss, our President, and Hitler – God allowed the affairs of men to work themselves out without much interference and then He approached each of these men to work His will through them, IF they would allow it.  Some would not.  Some there may yet be hope for.  Nebuchadnezzar did.  But this experience did not make him perfect.  His world wide decree to serve the God of the Hebrews was accompanied not with a loving reason to do so, but with a threat to kill any dissenters.  Despite all he had been through he was still a dictator king.  But again, even though the edict he sent out was not the ideals God would have wanted, it did cause the entire ‘known’ world to pay attention to the religion of the one true God.

The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is a love story of how God reclaims the loyalty of a completely pagan king.  It is a love story of a God who wished to open the doors of prophesies to his people both then and now as to what the world would experience before redemption was permanent here.  The people described in the book of Daniel are NOT perfect.  They screw up, just like us.  They react badly.  They misuse power.  They commit grievous sin.  And yet they run the world, interpret the prophesy, and bring the attention of all mankind to a true God.

The question of whether G.W. Bush was called by God to be President, is not nearly as important as the question of how he reacts when God tries to work through him.  I am a devout democrat who believes we have lost more of our freedoms, values, and wealth during this presidency than in the entire history of our country.  And I blame this administration for all of it.  But who am I to judge?  Despite it all, I also know that this same man sent huge amounts of Aids medicine to Africa.  Even if he did nothing else right, millions will live because of this fact.  Is any one of their lives something to begrudge?  Saving one would make G.W. a hero to me, saving millions defines him like everyone else in humanity a mix of excellence and decadence, a mix of infinite potential and unlimited destruction.  He is neither our Messiah nor our Satan. 

G.W. is merely a man, a leader.  And someone who is personally responsible for saving the lives of millions in Africa no matter what else he may be responsible for.  Those lives are important.  He is therefore a hero of the highest regard.  Just like me, he is flawed, but unlike me, he has saved countless lives – on that alone he deserves the designation of hero.  Like his father before him and my favorite President Bill Clinton who worked tirelessly to relieve suffering from the tsunami – those who serve others are heroes to me.  I aspire to do the same.

It is not the power that defines the man, but how he uses it.  It is not the office that man attains that is the mark of his character, it is how his character is reflected in the decisions and actions of his office that matter.  Every man is a child of our God, a brother to each of us.  When we realize this, it makes it hard to fight wars, or torture others.  But it also should impact us more in our day-to-day conversations about others, our interactions with others.  Perhaps we should judge less, ridicule less, and criticize less.  Perhaps despite everything I believe we have suffered as a nation, we should choose to focus on supporting those ideas that save lives, heal wounds, and bring us ALL collectively closer to our Creator God.  After all we are family.  All of us.  By choice if not by blood.

I hope that in my career, in my position of responsibility, great or small, whatever it happens to be – that I allow God to work through me His will.  I hope I allow Him to create in me a servant’s heart, and remove my heart of stone.  I hope when my colleagues and my subordinates look at me they see Bill Clinton or George Bush – not Hitler or Saddam.  This is my hope, and I put my trust in my God to make it so within me …

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