Friday, January 5, 2007

Foreward & Introduction

I began writing this book as an online WEB Blog to try to outline why some of the beliefs Christians have espoused cause non-believers to question the existence of God.  What has resulted instead is perhaps a deepening of my own understanding of the love God has shown for me, of His patience with me, and of His desire to save me – from me.  I only hope I have not interfered with His plans so much as to alter His desires for me.  My prayer is an echo of the publican in the corner, as I join him in crying out – “Oh Lord, have mercy on me, and save me, a sinner.” [Luke 18:13]

Hey I'm not perfect.  No-one is.  But it occurs to me that the nature of God, (and consequently the question of any deity's existence), is constantly hurled at us by media pundits, comedians, and politicians, in short almost anybody in front of a camera.  The talking-heads all have their own opinions, historical bias, and sometimes ulterior agenda (see Iraq war II, etc.).  But none of them would seem to me to qualify as "experts" in religion, or even meta-physics.  So why should theirs' be the only voices out there on these kinds of topics.  Seems to me that some common misconceptions about God color, if not outright shape, the messages we hear related to God (or the lack of one). 

So I was just thinking ... why not write a book or post a blog on what I think?  Why not challenge the conventional thinking of Christians who believe they have a corner on who God is and ignore dissenting opinion?  Why not challenge Atheists about the meaning of existence?  Why not challenge religious thinking people of all varieties about the core substance of their beliefs?  And finally, why not challenge Scientists with the entirety of what they know, how often it has been mistaken over the years (turns out we are human after all), and what this form of logic means to our existence.

My plan is to blog each week about controversial subjects related to our own existence, what meaning it has, what part God may have in it, and why it matters.  To separate the truth from the fiction: to put another voice out here in the ether-sphere and see if others may find value in it.  Like I said, I'm not perfect.  I try not to judge.  I'm no role model.  I'm just interested in this topic because it means something to me.  With luck, I'll create a dialog that enriches the lives of the folks who take an interest in reading and perhaps sharing some of their own thoughts and feelings over the Internet.

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