Friday, August 20, 2010

Left Behind ...

A friend of mine once told me … “we do not get punished FOR our sins, we get punished BY our sins.” When understood properly we realize how detrimental all forms of evil are to ourselves, to all those around us, to our victims, and to our God who wishes us free from such self-inflicted pain. But it is not only from our own evil that we can suffer, we can also suffer from the evil of others. In the last days, Satan’s abilities will be less restrained and he will do much to divert the world’s attention away from truth, away from redemption, and towards a path of self-destruction that will finally result in the first death of all those who embrace his ideologies. As the end draws near a sequence of events will occur to give warning of what is to come.

One of the shortest texts in the Bible is … “Jesus wept.” Our savior felt the keen pain and sting of death as it affected the sisters of Lazarus. He sympathized with them and their loss, and was moved to act to reduce their pain. And so one of the greatest miracles affirming His divinity was conducted as He called Lazarus forth from the grave by name. Had He been more generic every dead person buried in the region might have come forth. But Lazarus heard his name called and emerged from the tomb, still wrapped in the cloths designed for his burial. It was this action that cemented the Religious leadership of the day to kill our Lord. This act was incontrovertible proof of His divinity, and instead of accepting Him, they purposed to kill Him.

The disciples and Christ visited with their friends for a while, and interestingly enough, nowhere in the Gospel does Lazarus talk about the searing pain of hell’s flames; or the bliss of his time in heaven with the father. Rather, he was asleep, knowing not anything, having no part in the land of the living as Solomon had once written. Those who believe that upon death a soul enters eternal glory or eternal punishment misread the scriptures. If this were true, it would have been an unspeakable harm to pull Lazarus out of heaven, to come back to live in a world of pain once again. I imagine Lazarus would not have been too happy about it. Also note that upon Christ’s own resurrection from the grave, He was plain to say to Mary not to touch Him yet because … “he had not ascended yet to His Father.” Christ too slept in the grave upon his death and resumed His life and work on His resurrection.

This distinction about our condition upon death is important as a belief that the soul is eternal opens the door to much mischief by the evil one. In Genesis at our creation the Bible speaks plainly that God breathed the breath of life into our nostrils and man “became” a living soul. We had a beginning, and those who embrace evil will have an end. God told our parents that upon eating the fruit from the sin restricted tree, they would surely die. If our souls were to live forever, then death would not be the true end result of eating that fruit. God would have lied. Even a tortured existence in hell that supposedly lasts forever, is still existence, not death. God was clear, the punishment was death.

In the beginning of the book of Acts the disciples witnessed the ascension of Christ back to Heaven on clouds of glory. The angels told them He would return in like manner. And every eye shall see Him. Later Paul writing to the Thessalonians describes the second coming of Christ as the son of Man appearing in the clouds (the same as in Acts) with a loud voice, a shout, a trumpet sound to wake those who sleep to greet the Lord in the air. After which we who are alive and remain are caught up to be with the Lord forever. This is a loud, visible, world captivating event, that no one will miss. We will not need the Satellite technology of the day, as our naked eye will easily see His return. The graves will give up their dead, not raised in the imperfection in which we went into the tombs, but in the perfection He always intended us to be.

Knowing that the dead sleep, means they could not be interfering in the lives of the living. There is therefore, no such thing as ghosts. But there is such a thing as a fallen angel, or demon in you prefer. Beings who are able to take on the form, and sounds, and smells, of those who have passed on before (probably by manipulation of DNA at a molecular level). They impersonate the dead, as they did with “Samuel” who appeared to Saul at the summoning of a witch in the Old Testament. Saul believed it to be Samuel, but the Bible is clear that it could not have been. “The dead know not anything.” They sleep awaiting the resurrection of the righteous as described by Paul, or the resurrection of the wicked as described by John in the book of Revelations. The results of Saul listening and believing the words of the fallen angel who impersonated Samuel led to his death, and those of his sons. Saul lost everything because of who he listened to.

Revelations speaks about a time of Jacob’s Trouble before the end arrives. It is a time of persecution. Christians have always assumed that this persecution would come from non-believers to those who still believed. But the truth may be more insidious than this. Revelations also speaks of an Anti-Christ who will arise and deceive many. Imagine the influence a fallen angel, or demon could hold, if he impersonated Buddha, and spoke personally with the Dali Lama. Imagine what more influence a fallen angel or demon could hold on Muslims, if he appeared in a covering of light, claiming to be Mohammed himself, back from the grave to correct the teachings of Islam. Imagine if Satan impersonated Christ and used a legion of fallen angels to appear as past religious leaders, and Christians of note, to say that our forms of worship were incorrect, and we needed to amend the Bible according to his “new word”. This being (Satan) would appear as an angel of light, preaching peace, but promising destruction to any that opposed his authority.

I wonder what my Atheist friends will say on that day? When proof of the supernatural has arrived in just the form they have always asked for, will it be too late to find truth? Only those who are armed with the knowledge of the dead being asleep will have any mental defense against demons wreaking this kind of havoc. Those who believe souls are eternal will not be able to distinguish which are departed loved ones, and which are demonic impersonators trying to deceive the world. Add to this the fragmentation of doctrines between protestant Christian denominations and you have a recipe for confusion that makes the demonic arguments seem reasonable. Satan will not be allowed to impersonate the method of Christ’s return, so you will not see Him appear in the clouds with every eye able to watch him arrive. But I am sure he will use modern technology such as CNN’s global satellite network to get his messages across.

And what is the message of the Anti-Christ you ask? Quite simply to worship him, listen to him, and do what he says, not what the Bible says. The Bible, long derided as a book of violence and chauvinism, will be discarded in the new “light” the supernatural beings ask us to accept. To reinforce his purported dominion Satan and his agents will work miracles, of healing, and peacemaking. The lure will be enough “almost” to deceive the very elect. But for being pre-warned this would all happen, and content to trust God as He has demonstrated the truth our salvation in removing evil from our lives over time in a personal way, we might all walk the paths of evil.

But despite the calls to worship the “Christ” we can see, there will remain a stubborn few, who will choose to worship the Christ they cannot see. There will be a remnant few who choose to obey what they have been taught in scriptures rather than what “beings of light” have to say. But what will happen to this stubborn, archaic, old-fashioned group of believers? They will be ordered to be exterminated with great prejudice. Who would do such a thing in a country like ours you ask? Your husband, your wife, your parents, your children, your best friends, all those who not like you have adopted the “new” way of worshipping “god”. They will see you as a pariah that needs to be removed the perfection the beings of light are trying to establish. “Christians” who keep the name, but forsake the God behind it, will be first in line to torture and kill those remnant few who remain faithful to a God we cannot see.

The question upon which all of humanity will determine its fate is … will you follow God, or will you follow what you can see. It is enough for Satan that you do not follow God. It is enough for him that you ignore what God asks, and pursue your own ideas of morality, of love, of service, and insure that you believe you are a good enough person. That is all the evil one needs, for you to miss out on what God offers. Whether by intention, or by deception, or by apathy, or by negligence – choosing not to follow the God of the Bible, is a definitive choice for Satan. The results of which will be catastrophic. There will be no constitutional separation of church and state in the days like this. The Anti-Christ will insure church and state are closely united in order to use the resources of governments to hunt and kill any who dare to disobey.

It will be a desperate time, worse than any the world has ever seen, as Satan will have more ability to work his evil than ever before. Believers will have to flee to the mountains, deserts, and forests to look for shelter from the hate that is created for them all over the world. There will be no more friendly countries, laws, and lands – only those who wish the death of all the Bible believers. Some have speculated that a secret rapture will precede these horrible events, and believing Christians will be spared this agony. But this is not what scripture teaches. There is no “secret” coming of the Lord, only the one described in Thessalonians, and described in Acts. There is no “third” chance for the wicked to repent (though under these conditions truth would be all but extinct in every heart except for those who have spent their lives following the true Bible God). The Holy Spirit will be removed from the world, and the righteous will stand before God without a barrier between them. There will be no comforting influence to calm and melt the hearts of men, only the spirit of evil which is full of hate. Were it not for the second coming of Christ, none would survive. But in the last moments, before the orders of execution can be carried out, our Lord will appear as He has promised, and the world will meet its first demise.

These are the conditions immediately before the second coming of Christ. But there is more that happens just a bit earlier, and we will discuss it more detail in the coming sections. Stay tuned …

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