Friday, November 27, 2009

Free To Love ...

The natural result of liberation is the exhilaration that accompanies freedom.  Seems fairly obvious, but Christians who have been trapped for so many years in a failure-forgiveness-failure cycle have no idea what it feels like to experience the exhilaration of real freedom from sin.  The freedom that comes from the victories of Christ in your own personal experience is a joy that words can hardly describe.  It is quite literally heaven on earth.  The surrender of self, and the death of my stubborn will, leads to the unexplainable victories over self inflicted pain by Jesus on my behalf.  Freedom is so new, so real, so weight lifting of the burden on the soul, it is pure exhilaration.  But the near immediate thought becomes … now what?

Caught in a daze of ecstasy the mind is finally freed of constantly focusing on failure.  The mind has literally been freed of this, but then, freed for what.  The answer quite simply is free to love.  People believe they experience love throughout their lives, most in a few different contexts.  The loving relationships of parent and child, friend to friend, and the romantic interest with a significant other, are all representations of love.  But even within all these various contexts the love in the relationships suffers from human weakness.  The biggest culprit in ruining relationships and lessening the true joy of pure love is the same root of all evil, self. 

Self interest is the reason why people say a marriage is a 50 / 50 proposition.  But this is fallacy as it simply does not work.  Making the decision to give, but only to a self-described pre-defined limit, is a virtual surety for disappointment.  Whether by intent, or by omission, partners disappoint each other – particularly when focused on their own self interests.  The only recipe for a truly successful marriage is 100 / 100.  The difference is not just numeric, it is substantive.  It means both partners will give 100% of themselves, ALL the time, no matter what, no matter when, no matter how – and perhaps most importantly – no matter what their partner does with this gift.  Doing this is nearing the character of Christ, and being successful at it, requires the knowledge we have uncovered of surrender to His will.

Applying the 100 / 100 rule to dating tends to lead back to marriage again.  Although in all honesty the energy this takes is quite difficult to pull off in a multiple partner scenario; which is why the context of marriage makes the idea of giving 100% of yourself to your partner more palatable.  It takes intimacy to do this.  It takes trust to do this.  It is not so much about what you get out of the relationship from your partner, but what you get out of it from SERVING your partner.  The service is the reward.  This concept is a constant in all types of loving relationships.

Parents love their children instinctually, but this does not eliminate human weakness in the parents.  Quite frankly parents get tired.  In fact, not just tired, fricking exhausted.  They just want sleep.  If they cannot get that, then just some quiet moments might be a welcome relief.  Does this diminish the love they feel for the noisy child?  No.  But it does explain some the hair-brained ideas that leak out of a parents mouth when at wits end dealing with an energetic self willed child.  Some of these sentiments do not make sense.  Some defy physics.  But it is human weakness that exerts itself when the bumps in the road occur.  The truth is that parents give to their children on a level that children do not understand or appreciate.  The giving is more automatic, and less appreciated.  The difference between children and adults, are that adults understand and appreciate how much sacrifice has been done on their account – children remain blind to this concept.

The idea of giving 100% of yourself seems inconsistent with your history and ability levels.  It is because this idea is not achievable within human limits or human strength.  Over time, even the most patient, most giving person, wears out, wears thin, and exerts signs of human frailty.  Christians understand human weakness as they have been immersed in it.  So forgiveness provides the glue to repair the cracks, breaks, and fractures human frailty causes.  But living in a world of true surrender, means living in a world where the normal limits are not applicable anymore.  It is not you, but Him.  It is not your strength, but His strength.  It is not your body’s limits that will provide the gateway, it is your body subordinated to the superhuman abilities of God Himself.

Unburdened by self inflicted pain, and armed with the exhilaration of freedom from self inflicted evil, the mind and body are renewed in an energy that does not diminish.  The entire intent of liberation is to make you free from what would have previously bound you.  Freedom from fear for example; imagine yourself free from the fear that interrupts or impedes your abilities to love another.  You need not fear rejection any longer, as you KNOW you are loved beyond measure by the source of all love.  God’s love for you is deeply personal as you have already begun to experience.  His love and His will, will guide you to the proper desire of your heart.  Subordinating your will to His will, and allowing your desires to be molded to the desires He would have for you – frees you.  It frees you from fear of rejection, fear of betrayal, fear of being ridiculed.  These responses come from those who have not had the intimacy that you are experiencing with God.

Imagine what Mary’s life must have been like with a child like Jesus to raise.  Jesus was and is the source of all Love.  He was ALWAYS willing to serve, to be useful, to do for others – his mother would have been no exception, rather, as the closest member of his contacts, he would have been serving her perhaps most of all, just due to proximity.  Jesus gave of himself 100% every day.  He subordinated His will to that of His Father.  And what is our God like?  They are one in service to others, in Their particular case, in service to Their own creation.  Self interest does not enter the equation.  Jesus was burdened with the same human infirmities as we all have, yet through constant submission to His Father, He served.  So can we.  So should we.

Free to love.  Ever wondered what it would be like to have the time to do what you want to do.  Time management like everything else in our lives before surrender is prioritized by our self interest.  But surrender brings a new outlook on what we have time to do.  Specifically the time we would have previously spent on serving self is now free to serve another.  It comes packaged with the strength and energy we need, and is activated by the faith in motion of stepping forward despite the outlook.  We move knowing that what we need will be there when we need it.  Whether that be funds, time, energy, or even mental ability.  Nothing is restricted from those who surrender their own wills, to the will of our Father.  The exhilaration of liberation knows no bounds.

The most fundamental change that comes from real surrender is the source of happiness moves from the transient insatiable focus on self to the fulfilling and lasting service to others.  Happiness deepens.  Contentment reaches a level you did not think possible.  It all comes from the surrender of your will to His.  It all comes from accepting the entire gift He offers, not just a part of it.  As the core of you changes, you become more like Christ.  You begin to take joy in what He takes joy in.  And conversely you begin to experience pain in what He finds pain in.  But the change is so complete, so wonderful, and so enlightening – it will be the reason that world wants to know why you are so different.  If they are not asking yet, don’t worry, keep surrendering, and they will.

Time to join God in the pursuit of His existence – to love others.  Welcome to the freedom he offers to make this possible.  The text that all things are possible with Him, has never been more true, more real, or more attainable.  Surrender and find out what it is I am talking about …

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