Friday, December 5, 2008

Generic Spiritualism ...

Recognizing the need for a God, or the existence of a God, can sometimes get clouded by the variety of claims of who or what that God might be.  The Bible presents a wonderful love story that identifies how we came into existence, how evil entered our world, and to what lengths God was willing to go to save us from our fate.  But in the Bible, are other stories and historical accounts, that are not so pleasant to read at first brush.  Telling truth sometimes without a filter, can be the hardest words to hear or accept.  This has led man to look outside of the Bible to find out more about God.

In his quest to avoid the unpleasant, man starts taking the best of the teachings of other religions, and combining them into a new picture of God.  Morality itself becomes unhinged from God or really any objective standard and is simply taught as a goal to attain to.  Imperfection is not only tolerated, it is put on a pedestal as some sort of mark of honor.  In this way man seeks to use his wisdom to overlook the superstitions of the past and evolve himself to new higher plain of consciousness.  What used to be a literal love letter to man, the Bible is them positioned as nothing more than a mere series of allegories for the Jewish people.  Christ goes from savior, to substantial prophet.  His teachings are so pure they are not condemned, but His divinity is put aside completely.

Having bought in to this new found spirituality, the new believer unencumbered by superstitions of the past is now free.  In point of fact, free to become God himself.  The goal of this thinking is not slanted anywhere near service, but to introspection.  Self awareness, and self fulfillment, become the end goal of mixed truth spirituality.  Giving to the poor as Christ taught becomes a moral value, but is not carried out for the benefit of the poor, but merely to prove oneself moral under these new enlightened terms.  There are no hard standards or truths in this conglomeration of thought.  When you reach any thing that displeases you in one venue, you simply switch venues and adopt a competing thought on the topic.

In this way it is possible to become a spiritual person by blending Catholicism, Protestanism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddism, Islam, as well as unusual native religions or philosophies from around the globe – what some might call Paganism.  Add in some quantum physics, or modern psychiatry, blend in a little modern philosophy and the result – a new man, a new 'spiritual' man.  And of course the appeal of this thinking is 2 fold.  First, you can pat yourself on the back for being so wise and free from superstition, i.e. you are evolved.  And second, you can still be a spiritual person who believes in God and have found your own back to Him.  No thought of losing the afterlife, just an expansion on what the afterlife might be.

But the problem with this entire line of thinking is the fundamental denial of truth it is based on.  To embrace many different religions one must be willing to ignore the conflicts among them.  Those conflicts are usually fundamental to the picture of the character of God they espouse.  Writing them off to superstitions is a cop out, and avoids the picture of God's character their teachings would espouse. 

People trapped into this new line of thinking usually head there because they do not want to take the Bible literally.  The Bible makes too many demands on them, that they wish to avoid, or tells too many stories that do not end happily.  Lets discuss the first objection for a moment.  For a person who embraces his cocaine addiction, and really really loves his cocaine, he will likely not recognize the negative effects his addition carries with it.  The weight loss, health decay, theft for means to buy more, and the absolute focus on his next fix, more than on loved ones, career, or anything else in life – none of these mean anything to the cocaine addict.  Trapped in an addition he likes what he finds.  Sure he does not like everything, but he likes the cocaine enough to ignore the rest.  So it is with men who profess to love the sin they embrace.

No matter how small the negative effects of a sin may seem to the addict, no matter how harmless the situation may appear to be, it is in reality creating a toll of damage in its wake that can hardly be undone.  The sinner seldom sees or recognizes his own state.  They see the damage of other's sins but do not see their own.  The 'demands' of the Bible to forsake this damage are read as arbitrary commands to give up pleasure, rather than desperate warnings to avoid pain.  The love and care of the author is presumed to be control and dominance, in short the character of God is misread, as a result of the love of the addiction of sin we have embraced.  No one who has rejected the Bible can claim to be exempt from this thinking.  The conflicts between man's natural character and inclination to embrace his painful addictive behaviors stands in sharp contrast to the clear truth of the Bible which would have man forsake his addiction and embrace a new life without such chains of pain.

The second objection to the literacy and authenticity of scripture comes from reading too many harsh stories, or stories without happy endings.  From entire civilizations of people God instructed the Israelites to kill completely, to bears coming out of the woods to eat children making fun of His prophet, to a flood that destroyed the entire world.  The consequences to our imperfect actions from time to time have resulted in permanent punishments.  This is a concept men do not want to accept.  We are fine with the concepts of forgiveness and long suffering, almost to the point of abusing them.  But to know that evil will one day be made extinct.  To know that someday those who have chosen to embrace evil rather than allow God to change them will share the fate of evil.  To know that death does follow separation from God.  These are the less pleasant truths the Bible does teach.

We are not qualified to judge the character of God as these painful punishments were doled out.  But we are more than able to see His patience with sinful men throughout all of scripture, and in our own lives, and therefore can conclude that if God did elect to take permanent action He must have had an overwhelming reason to do so.  This trust in God can easily be established if the Bible is read in its entirety, from cover to cover, not ignoring the hard parts, but understanding the purpose of love throughout every text.

There is one last danger that comes from attempting to embrace rule-less generic, enlightened spirituality.  It is the replacement of the divinity of Christ with the divinity of self.  Ultimately these philosophies and lines of thinking, glorify the wisdom of man above all else.  Ultimately the conclusion of these new forms of religion is to evolve man higher and higher on the food chain till he becomes a god himself.  Sound familiar.  Lucifer wanted to become 'like the most high'.  Even he knew he could not become greater, but the same was his aspiration which he never achieved.

Just looking logically at this premise for a second, it is easy to examine one's own life and see all the mistakes, misjudgments, and pain we have caused both to ourselves and to those who love us.  If being honest, none of our lives are worthy of imitation.  Yet compare your particular existence with that of Christ.  Whether you accept His divinity or not for a moment, his life was perfect.  He never caused harm to others, but sought to save them.  He served only others never himself.  He dies a martyrs death for the love He believed in.  He could have easily been king in this world, which he rejected willingly teaching the value of the next world.  He is the only person in written history to have a clean historical account.  Even under torture he remained true to His teachings of love.  Even in death.  Given that account, and looking only at your own life in comparison, are you so sure that He was not divine, and that you are a worthy candidate to be divine?

Christ reveals in human flesh the character of God.  Christ reveals the only true God as only love could exist forever, evil will not.  Christ reveals the redemptive character of God, willing to do the work for us, so that all we need do is accept it.  It is not an exclusionary phrase to say that only by Christ can one be saved, it is a statement of fact.  He is the ONLY God to die to save his creations.  It is His sacrifice that reveals who the ONLY true God is.  Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, and the Pope cannot make such claims.  Nothing in Hinduism or any other world religion teaches that God came to save us from ourselves and our bondage to evil.  Only Christ.  This may seem like a hard truth to some, but it is the beginning of real freedom, of real redemption, not just for a mystical afterlife but for here and for now.  Generic spiritualism is nothing but an illusion, next to the truth of the power of love that Christ alone represents and can affect in your life today …

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