Friday, February 1, 2008

A True Gift ...

There is a big difference between earning something and simply receiving it for free.  God recognized our complete inability to ‘save’ ourselves from our current condition.  He knew He would have to do all the work to restore us to perfection.  The effort and price that must be paid in order to reconcile us with Himself would be a burden He would have to bare without our help.  Therefore the plan of God to ‘save’ us from our condition included paying all the costs for us, and then providing us with the results as a free gift, we would never deserve.  This is a premise that man has historically had such a hard time accepting, the idea of getting something of infinite value for nothing.  All we have to do to receive it, is simply accept it. 

Here in America, we are fiercely independent.  We take great pride in our American dreams of working hard, and attaining the goals we set for ourselves.  We relish the idea of earning whatever we get in life.  And frankly we tend to condemn others as ‘lazy’ who appear any less fortunate than ourselves.  Accepting this gift, implies we did nothing to earn it, an admitted loss of control.  Accepting that God had to do ALL the work, means we do none of it.  A gift therefore, humbles us.  It becomes a sign that we indeed are NOT equal to God, but are in fact inferior to Him.  We need help to save us, beyond what we could ever do.  Even some Christians are completely reluctant to accept this idea.  They agree you have to take the step of accepting it, but then state in order to keep it, you have to perform a certain number of rituals, or good deeds, otherwise you lose it.  I don’t recall God ever asking for this gift back.  We are able to reject it, many do.  But it would not be a gift, if you accepted it, and then in order to keep it, had to begin working for it, to somehow earn it afterwards.  Get it straight Christians, there is no working on your part to be saved, it is a gift, pure and simple.

So what is the nature of the gift we are being given?  What does it mean to be saved from our current condition?  It begins with discernment.  The process of bringing us closer to God begins with learning what is truly ‘good’ and what is truly ‘evil’.  Think about it, if you knew which choice would ALWAYS make you happy, and which choice would consistently hurt you and those you love, wouldn’t you always choose the good one?  It would take a masochist or a junkie to choose something that always hurts you.  Understanding what is good is the first step in reconciling us to a perfect God.  This seems relatively obvious, doesn’t it, to want to choose good – so what’s the catch here?  It’s marketing.  Turns out, ‘evil’ has produced the greatest advertising and marketing campaign ever devised in the history of the Universe.  Its goal is to distort the sharp differences between good and evil – to make things that are evil seem cool, sexy, risky, and fun.  Then it makes what is actually ‘good’ for us to seem boring, a horrible sacrifice on our part, a waste of time, and dull.  And evil has had unparalleled success at this campaign.  Just look around you, everything that will probably wind up hurting you, are the exact things we all crave.

Why would ‘evil do this you ask, what’s in it for ‘evil’?  It seems ‘evil’ does know the real score, and ‘evil’ is destined to lose.  At some point in the not-too-distant future, evil will be eradicated, never to be heard from again.  And knowing this fact has pissed evil off.  Evil will not go down without a fight.  So how does one get back at an all powerful Creator God?  By attacking, torturing, and killing His children.  How could evil make even this heinous crime worse?  By having God’s children blame God for all the pain and sorrow, and then set about committing these crimes on each other (sometimes even using the name of God to justify their incredibly evil acts).  Evil is on the attack with rage and passion, and desperation as the time of its own doom gets closer and closer.  As the extinction of evil approaches, its fury intensifies, and we are in its line of fire albeit an indirect target.

To see just how effective evil has been in its marketing campaign to distort the judgment of an entire species (humans), take cigarettes as an example.  No, I am not saying that cigarettes are inherently evil, nor am I saying that the people who make them, sell them, or use them are ‘evil’ people.  (We’ll spend some time on another post talking about the dangers of ever judging someone else.)  I am simply calling attention to how the marketing campaign works in this case.  When you examine a cigarette physically, it is nothing more than paper, and tobacco (a plant grown on the earth).  There is nothing spectacular about a cigarette, no diamonds or gold produced from its consumption; it’s just plain old, paper and tobacco.  But how are cigarettes portrayed in this marketing campaign, they are associated with being cool, sexy, suave, and sophisticated.  Advertisers want us to believe that smoking will turn us into something more than we are today.  We will be better looking, more attractive, smarter, even richer from smoking – just look at all the imagery an advertiser uses to convey this message.  And it works.  But reality check here smokers, it is still nothing more than simple paper and tobacco.  It does not change ‘who’ you are.  A cigarette cannot take you from geek to chic.  Despite what marketers would have you believe; nothing you can buy, will actually make you more than you already are.  You were you, before the cigarette.  You will still be you, after it. 

Determining the true motive of evil is often quite hard to do.  Evil is very acquainted with the concept of lying.  Evil knows how to exaggerate, omit, embellish, and of course use the half-truth-half-lie approach.  And these tend to work very well in increasing confusion, obscuring the clarity of good decisions.  You see to continue our example a bit further; it would appear that cigarettes contain a chemical called Nicotine.  This chemical works directly on the chemistry of the brain to alter it (much like any other addictive stimulant or behavior), in order for you to begin to ‘crave’ the cigarette.  Now, smoking is no longer a matter of conscience choice, it becomes automatic or second-nature.  Instead of being something we choose to do, we pick it up ‘naturally’.  And we will not stand it long, to go without it.  We don’t even need the constant barrage of a marketing campaign to change our opinions after this happens, we self stimulate at this point.  And what is the problem with an addiction to cigarettes?  Tar, carbon monoxide, and half a dozen other far more dangerous chemicals that were also lurking around in our simple cigarette.  These far more dangerous chemicals will give a smoker a guaranteed change of life in the form of lung-cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, heart attack, stroke, and premature, deformed babies just to name a few.  How ‘cool’ is that?  And wait there is more.  Yes, it turns out that just 2nd-hand-smoke can also give your partner or your family, or those you love around you – all the same diseases you got from smoking, even if they never touched the stuff themselves directly.  This exposes the true nature and agenda of evil; deceive the victim, alter his brain chemistry to make him a habitual victim, then torture him and everyone he cares about with monstrous pain and suffering and eventual death (and if possible blame God for everything).  This is the agenda of evil.  And again, it has been very successful.

The ability to see evil for what it is truly, is the first part of our reconciliation with our Creator God.  The reason we seek the counsel of God is because we are able to trust Him completely.  God NEVER lies.  God wants us only to be happy and completely fulfilled in our lives – God HATES it when we suffer and experience pain. It is especially hard on Him when the pain is often so unnecessary, and seemingly crazy.  I believe this is what the Bible refers to as “the Mystery of Iniquity” that any intelligent life would actually choose evil on purpose.  Yet people do it all the time.  Some just do not see past or through the marketing hype of evil.  We have bought in to some of the most hurtful lies in existence.  God did not ‘save’ man from his happiness, and freedom.  God ‘saved’ man to give it back to him.  God does not want little robots who go around worshipping Him out of repetition and fear.  He wants real people, who think, reason, and love.  He wants your love because you freely choose to give it to Him, like He has chosen to give it to you.  Our ‘Salvation’ then is not some distant reality, it is a present one.  We are saved from the conditions we are experiencing right now.  We are ‘saved’ from choosing evil in ignorance.  We begin to reconcile with our God starting right now.  No need to keep on suffering in darkness, but to leave pain behind and walk in the light.  To find truth that has never been hiding from us, but has merely been obscured by evil in an attempt to keep us in a constant state of self-inflicted pain.  This is Salvation.  And it begins with us simply accepting it.

It continues to mystify me that there are those who say, “I do not need to accept God’s salvation today.  I will put it off until I am old and about to die.  Then on my death bed, I will accept God’s gift and get the best of both worlds.”  This is ludicrous (not the rapper).  What this is really saying is – I choose to be in complete misery and pain, to wander around aimlessly in the dark, hurting everyone I claim to care about until I am just about to die.  Then I will finally leave all this misery behind and find compassion, healing, forgiveness, and joy for a few brief minutes right before I die.  How ass-backwards is this?  Why would you delay fulfillment, and meaning, and joy in your life until sometime in the future.  To do this is to have completely lost sight of what Salvation really means.  Reconciliation with our God is a journey, not a destination per se.  We will ALWAYS be learning more about Him, about what Love really means, and the learning will become our source of joy, wisdom, and contentment.  Everything ‘good’ that has ever or will ever exist is being offered to us freely, and immediately.  There is not a second I would waste grabbing hold of this free gift.

So what do we do, once we accept the gift?  How do we learn more about our God?  How do we figure out how to be closer to Him?  Excellent subjects for our next few posts.  Stay tuned …

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