After all Christians believe they serve the only TRUE
God. In fact you could argue this entire
blog series is definitely slanted towards the validation of Jewish and then
Christian theology, with a smattering of understanding towards Muslims. So why not be happy when CNN chooses to make
Papal coverage it’s nearly one and only story of the week. Isn’t it good for a representative of our
true God to get a little attention?
Doesn’t it serve to remind the world that religion still matters? And why on earth would I title this blog
entry “wondering after the beast?”
The beast mentioned in Revelation 13:3 that I make reference
to is a Biblical symbol for the evil that stands against God – in both his
precepts, goals, and values. Satan of
course is the anti-God, meaning that everything that Satan embraces stands in
opposite contrast to what God embraces.
Where God grants freedom of choice, Satan exerts total control. Where God invites debate and reason, Satan
demands unwavering and unquestioning allegiance. Where God offers unconditional love, Satan
demands unconditional addictive slavery.
And finally, where God asks for faith and trust, Satan offers control
and power. So many in our world embrace
Satan’s way. Indeed, evil has a
tremendous marketing machine that has warped the minds of millions into
believing they are in control of their lives, can earn their own destinies, and
do not need to serve anyone other than self.
This is the nature of the beast described in Revelations.
Obviously, were Satan to visit our capital in the flesh,
Christians would immediately decry his welcome.
We would be appalled that our governmental leaders would openly accept
and listen to words coming directly from the evil one. We picture Satan as red-skinned, dual horns
from his head, 6-6-6 tattooed on his forehead, with a spiked tail and a
pitchfork. This image is one we are
comfortable with. But to picture him as
a smooth talking Brad-Pitt look alike with words that offer hope and peace –
seems counter to our imagery therefore not Satan. But what if it is? What if Satan is responsible for the
red-skinned, pitch-forked image we imagine in the first place. What if he actually does look more like
Robert Redford, with a voice like Andrea Boccelli, and with the speaking
ability of Ronald Reagan (the great communicator). Dodging our preconceived ideas of his
appearance we would undoubtedly give his words consideration. We might actually listen to his
arguments. Lest you believe him
ineffective, he was able to dissuade 1/3 of all the angels in Heaven to follow
his ideas. This is not the mark of an
Could it be that the ‘Beast’ is already among us? Some have proffered the idea that G.W. might
be the anti-christ. This may be
humorous, but is unfair and untrue. G.W.
is nothing more than flawed Christian, just like me, or just like you. His flaws may yield more consequences to us
all, but it does not put him in league with absolute evil. But does one have to be entirely evil, to do
the work of the evil-one? In short,
no. When someone is given attention, the
words they speak have consequence. If
they stand and say something counter the principles of God, they speak on
behalf of evil, and their tongue becomes the tool of the Beast. The papal system preaches the infallibility
of the Pope, the idea that man can be saved by penance (his own actions), and
the idea that man’s edicts are more important than the edicts of God. The papal system has re-written the original
10 commandments, and plainly admits to changing the day of worship God ordained
from the seventh to the first day of the week.
This entire series of arguments is not Biblically centered. It is works centered. It is based on the teachings of men. And it stands in stark contrast to the
teachings found in the Bible. This set
of beliefs is not just a disagreement among Christians over doctrine, it is a
fundamental assault on the character of God himself.
Yet the Pope is followed by the press, and his fans, as
would one of the great rock-stars of our era.
His words are listened to for spiritual guidance even though the
foundation of his belief system is essentially the same as every other false
religion that has ever existed on this earth – that man can work enough to save
himself – in short, man does not truly need God for Salvation, he can rely on
his own efforts, or will fail by them.
This does not make the Pope the antichrist either. That title would be too restrictive if ONLY
applied to the Pope. Does not Buddhism
and Hinduism proffer the same idea (man can achieve inner peace through the
strength of his own determination). Does
not Muslim religion teach that only strict adherence to the Quran will enable
one to enter Paradise? Or the Jewish
faith essentially teach that ONLY by following the Torah can one be saved. All of these religions have beautiful aspects
of truth found in them. And all of these
religions have a singular fundamental flaw – that man can somehow save
himself. True Christianity embraces mans
inability to save himself, and therefore the need of a savior. This is the fundamental distinction between
the true God, and all of those who would proclaim themselves to be god.
Revelation 13:3 has sometimes been interpreted that after
the Pope’s beheading by Napoleon, the Catholic church would again rise in
prominence until the entire world wondered after the beast yet again. This interpretation does not seem to be wide
enough to incorporate the many representatives the Beast employs today. There are many competing ideas that regularly
assault the fundamentals of Christianity.
Those that assert your independence is your most closely guarded asset,
teach you a principle opposite to the government of God. You are not independent in that control of
your life is not up to you, nor can it ever be.
Your life and fate will be determined outside of yourself. You have only to choose which power will have
influence over it (good or evil). No
choice for God, is a default choice for Satan.
It is not your independence that should be cherished, but your humble
acceptance of your need of God that should be developed. Your recognition of your condition, not your
denial of it.
When the Dali Lama says that inner peace is possible. He is not lying. He is simply not telling you where the actual
source of inner peace can be found. It
is not in meditation that peace is achieved, it is in unselfish service to
others. The principles of the government
of God are the values to be cherished.
Focus on self is to be avoided, focus on service to others,
embraced. When those religious leaders
speak contrary the guidelines of God’s plan, they become a mouth-piece of the
Beast. When governmental leaders seek to
impose their moral authority and demand an allegiance to their own version of
‘morality’ they become a mouth-piece of the Beast. When Christians stand and condemn others for
their deeds or words or beliefs that run contrary to their own – they become
agents of intolerance, and therefore the mouth-piece of the Beast. It would be impossible to confine the image
of the Beast to just the Pope, or the Dali Lama, or G.W. – his image is
everywhere. It has permeated this world
to such a point it is almost impossible to escape.
There is beauty that can be found in any religion on the earth. Not everything someone else espouses to be
true is inherently evil. The Pope
himself is not the devil, nor is any Catholic, nor is any Muslim, Jew, Hindu,
or Buddhist. Protestant Christians are
not immune from spreading a doctrine of self-reliance and intolerance. We are ALL imperfect. It is not the messenger that is the problem,
but the message itself. Judging is no
more up to man, than Salvation is to be earned by his own hand. People are not condemned by their mistaken
beliefs, they are condemned through a constant rejection of the love God
offers. To single out any particular
religion, or person, and call them the anti-christ, or claim they have embraced
the mark-of-the-beast is to miss the entire point. The Beast’s message is to be countered with
the truth, no matter who the messenger.
The principles of Heaven should be espoused and placed in stark contrast
with the principles of the evil one, no matter who the messenger is, or the
where the forum for his delivery. The
messenger should not ever be condemned, only the words that fall in contrast to
the values of God’s character. There is
hope for all of us, even Saul was made into Paul through the grace of God.
Being a mouthpiece for the Beast may not be full-time
job. But it certainly appears that the
following after his message has become a full time obsession. The media seems bent on giving it voice. It is no wonder that the prophesy of
Revelation has been fulfilled in our lifetime.
Our world seems to be inclined to embrace self rather than service. I hope the truth can be found amidst all the
noise and distractions and I hope we are humble enough to embrace it …
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